Whether it's a lady's treat or 'going Dutch', the lady should give the money to the man, and then the man pays the bill.
With the World Cup in its final stage, Mani is now literally the talk of the town - and many are going with its prediction of the Dutch team winning its first-ever World Cup title.
The Dutch media will not sell more newspapers if they write that Cesc will be going to Barcelona, or if they have to say Cesc will stay at Arsenal.
At the end of the term the whole class will have a meal at an expensive restaurant. Of course it is going to be a Dutch treat – everybody pays for his own meal.
There's no need to use a Dutch auction - you can just keep two or three auctions going at once for an item you have more than one of in stock.
There's no need to use a Dutch auction - you can just keep two or three auctions going at once for an item you have more than one of in stock.