I decided I was going to sit down next to them on the sidewalk and talk to them.
Jenny: you can sit here if you want... Well, going to sit down, aren't you? What's wrong with your legs?
If people are going to sit down and read what you have to say then you have to formulate something worth reading.
I don't know what the facts are but somebody's certainly going to sit down with him and find out what he knows that they may not know, and make sure he knows what they know that he may not know.
I never know what I'm going to write until I actually sit down to write it.
"I'm going to sit with my friends," he sneers, sitting down and laying his arm possessively on the back of the attractive young woman's chair.
I didn't know if it was going to be a book, but I wanted to sit down and write about this time in my life for my children.
If that chair you sat down in this morning has a bad leg, it's going to fall when you sit on it, regardless of what you believe about it.
Every step that he took in going from one piece of furniture to another exhausted him, and he was obliged to sit down.
What's worse is that each time I sit down to write, I experience the same set of voices, and I have to consciously keep going.
Most of the time when I sit down to write an essay, I don't have a clear picture in my mind of what I'm going to say.
When I sit down to write a book I do not say to myself, "I am going to produce a work of art."
With a child like Marissa, we can't sit down and discuss it with her — she's just not going to get that.
“Well, different or not, ” says Mama, as they sit down for breakfast, “they are our new neighbors, and we are going to welcome them.”
A bug in a restaurant is not going to kill you, unless that bug is a brown recluse spider and it bites you immediately after you sit down.
Bina: That's okay. Oh, it's good to sit down. I've been around all day. Are you going to Vancouver?
Find a place in your home where you can sit in a comfortable chair (don't lay down unless you're going to sleep) and curl up with a good book without interruptions.
Bina: That's okay. Oh, it's good to sit down. I've been rushing around all day. Are you going to Vancouver?
Kathy: Sit down, please. Make yourselves at home. I'm going to get Christopher. He's doing his homework in his bedroom.
Someone once said that when you sit down to write your autobiography, the first thing you become aware of is what you are going to leave out.
"Then you systematically sit down and think about how you're going to make contact," says Helen Harkness, founder of Career Design Inc., in Dallas.
Twit, If I found the right man I would settle down and have kids, but I am not going to sit around at home waiting.
"Everyone needs to sit down and talk about tornado preparedness and flood preparedness, " Douglas said. "It's going to be a busy spring. "
So I'm going to ask you to sit down, get comfortable, get your feet on the floor, and have your back straight.
If you sit down with this 55 minute tutorial you are going to come away with an excellent understanding of lighting, not just the basics of lighting but how to use light to help tell your story.
If you sit down with this 55 minute tutorial you are going to come away with an excellent understanding of lighting, not just the basics of lighting but how to use light to help tell your story.