Burke says that actually does seem to help based on randomized studies—the researcher's gold standard.
Burke says that actually does seem to help, based on randomized studies—the researcher's gold standard.
The gold standard study by Harvard and Columbia University scholars found that even in high-poverty schools, teachers consistently had a huge positive or negative impact.
AT&T is often given as the gold standard of a company who decided to do a massive reskilling program rather than go with a fire and hire strategy.
Other problems included dichotomization of the gold standard scale and inappropriate analysis of the equivalence of two diagnostic tests.
Our goal is for the protocols that are set up to be the gold standard for crowd management in this industry.
WHO fully supports scaling-up support for mothers everywhere to achieve the gold standard in infant feeding.
Run by Belgium's Center for Research on the Epidemiology of Disaster, EM-DAT is the gold standard for these statistics.
It certainly is for my mother, who always held achievement as the international gold standard of human worth.
For Keynes, the gold standard was not the self-regulating system that its advocates claimed it was.
"My mom always sets a gold standard," 25-year-old Craig explains. "My dad said that's what drove him to leave."
So central banks around the world began to manage became managers of inflation rather than defenders of a gold standard.
The overdraft would afford deficit countries a credit buffer against the abrupt adjustments required under the gold standard.
Under the gold standard, a fall in reserves would lead to the central bank taking crisis measures.
In more regulated times, credit controls or the gold standard restricted the creation of credit.
Inflation began after June 1933, following the demise of the gold standard.
Truly the gold standard for all far flung bastions of humanity, Easter Island defies easy explanation.
It is also the effective mechanism by which gold standard systems have operated in the past, throughout Europe.
What the expansionists call the defects of the gold standard are indeed its very eminence and usefulness.
A return to the gold standard remains unlikely, but it's no longer unthinkable.
Of course the price of gold never changed in the gold standard because that was the whole point of the gold standard that's if currency was convertible into gold.
What it was it began the first country to adopt the gold standard officially was the United Kingdom and that was in 1717.
它是什么- - -它开始于,第一个官方正式地采取金本位制度的国家,是英国,那时是1717年。
What it was it began the first country to adopt the gold standard officially was the United Kingdom and that was in 1717.
它是什么- - -它开始于,第一个官方正式地采取金本位制度的国家,是英国,那时是1717年。