But since miners have cut back their hedging programmes to almost zero, the gold lending market, which is mediated by large bullion-dealing Banks, has dwindled.
The price of gold hit $1058.48 an ounce in the London Bullion Market Thursday local time, which was the highest level in history.
Market players say there is now caution about the traditional safe haven of gold bullion because many investors are now cashing in on the commodity's already steep rise this year.
Nowadays the price of gold is set by the market rather than by official diktat. When explaining shifts in the bullion market people tend to think in terms of supply and demand.
The London Bullion Market Association recently predicted world gold prices would stay at $652.38 per ounce this year, up from less than $310 in 2006.
Lending gold for six months earned a rate of 0.1 per cent on Thursday, according to benchmark market assessments published by the London Bullion market Association.
Lending gold for six months earned a rate of 0.1 per cent on Thursday, according to benchmark market assessments published by the London Bullion market Association.