People all rushed to the place where a gold mine had just been discovered."
The TuanJie Mountain Copper-gold mine occurred in litmusless and acidic lava.
Today it houses Yanacocha, the world’s second-biggest gold mine.
The outbreak was initially concentrated in workers at a gold mine in Durba.
The robbers enticed his victims into a cave by promising to show them a gold mine .
We get this thing powered up, we might have a gold mine of information on our hands.
Normally in China, gold mine prospection is conducted within 800 meters underground.
The supplier of gold - the gold mine - has increased the production of a useful commodity.
The popular seafood is a gold mine for poor countries feeding avid consumers in northern markets.
Set out to start own business, buying up low-producing gold mine shafts and turning them profitable.
Unbeknown to most who pass through this serene place, however, it is a gold mine for medical research.
A stellar nursery in the Milky Way has recently been investigated as a potential gold mine for finding life.
Gold mine distribute at the edge of circular structure and intersection of circular and linear structure.
'Australia is a gold mine. The next gold mine' Mr Ma said in Melbourne at the launch of his Australian branch.
A typical assignment for Srivastava goes like this: a mining company has multiple samples from a potential gold mine.
ON JULY 7th a 29-year-old miner at the Kitaka gold mine in the Kamwenge district of western Uganda was admitted to hospital.
This growth also comes after the country braved the collapse of a copper-gold mine in the Atacama Desert near Copiapó in August.
A special drill is being sent to the copper and gold mine in northern Chile to dig a new shaft and get the miners to safety.
Appenzeller and his colleagues incubated samples of Appenzeller's hair for up to six months in soil from an Australian gold mine.
Nozamile has HIV and CARES for her children alone, while her husband, who is also HIV-positive, works in a gold mine far from home.
Replete with luxury suites and all the modern amenities needed to be a gold mine, the stadium should have increased Allen's fortune.
If he's right, Chi-Med could be sitting on a gold mine - but he has a lot to prove before investors are persuaded to buy into his optimism.
Mobile apps have become a gold mine for developers, letting them make money from everything from productivity programs to bird-flinging games.
On July 7th a 29-year-old miner at the Kitaka gold mine in the Kamwenge district of western Uganda was admitted to hospital. He died on July 14th.
Information retrieved from laptops after the raid on the camp in Ecuador was an intelligence gold mine; officials say the new find is 11 times as big.
It is widely used to separate ferrous, nonferrous, nonmetal and rare metal minerals. such as gold mine, copper mine, lead-zinc ore, tin mine and so on.
The combined use of fuzzy mathematics, neural net method and gray system theory in the selection of mining method for Jinshan gold mine was a new trial.
The combined use of fuzzy mathematics, neural net method and gray system theory in the selection of mining method for Jinshan gold mine was a new trial.