Stir the golden syrup and melted butter into the warm milk until well combined.
A British ingredient called Lyle's Golden Syrup is available at specialty stores.
Wild and native bees are also known as "non-honey bees" because they don't produce the sugary golden syrup.
"You can't be too careful, especially toward spring," he said, heaping his plate with straw-coloured griddle - cakes and drowning them in golden syrup.
The rival companies will show off their engineering and baking prowess , equipped with a total of 66lb of flour, 408lb of butter, 990lb of sugar, four vats of golden syrup and 1,480lb of chocolate.
This means that a teaspoon of the syrup is soft and easily bent or pressed when dropped into cold water. The colour should be golden to brown.
This means that a teaspoon of the syrup is soft and easily bent or pressed when dropped into cold water. The colour should be golden to brown.