They wanted to turn the estate into a private golf course and offered $20 million, but the deal fell through.
It is no use trying to plan an 18-hole golf course on a 120-acre site if you have to ruin the environment to do it.
What about a day on the lake or the golf course?
They only come in when a friend drops dead on the golf course and they think, "Geez, if it could happen to him, …".
Ronald Fream designed this championship golf course.
"They have pulled out a third of the turf in the golf course," Fishman says.
I have a friend who started taking golf lessons and met a man on the golf course.
In this suburban golf course in Beijing, this kind of irrigation happens every day.
"If I go to Los Angeles for 10 days, I am on a golf course for eight days," he said.
On many tough days Erskine and I would go out to Army-Navy golf course for a quick round.
Two years ago, the town of Ocean View built a new municipal golf course and resort hotel.
George had retired just the previous year but works as a groundskeeper at a nearby golf course.
For many years, corporate executives have used the golf course as their social networking base.
The millionaires-only club in Montana's Gallatin Mountains boasts a private ski hill and golf course.
Before marriage + mortgage + kids, I played to a 6 or 7 handicap on a long difficult golf course.
Every chance he could get, he could be found on the golf course swinging away. It was an obsession.
This mashup of golf course locations and an interactive map view offers quite a reward for your effort!
Hardly the environment you would expect to find hiking trails, resorts, and a bewilderingly green golf course.
The mashup between Open 18 and Google Maps enables users to plot locations in the golf course directory on a map.
Golf can also be played on Ambo Island (part of Tarawa) where the green of the golf course is actually rolled sand.
Given a couple of lessons, I should be stumbling gracelessly around the golf course and playing badly in no time at all.
This managed bean exposes a collection of golf course objects and then responds to actions for managing those instances.
It also has the la Mirada Theatre, a well-known regional playhouse, and golf facilities, including the la Mirada golf Course.
In ten years time, he sees an executive working on the golf course following the progress of an important order via a PDA.
在十年之内,他看到一个执行官在跟着PD A显示的重要步骤进行高尔夫练习。
I also enjoyed a round of golf with Prime Minister Goh on a night golf course designed to help golfers manage the intense heat.
This one was designed to look like a brightly painted medieval town, with an ultra-mini golf course surrounding the castle bed. (Link)
Since you're spending most of your time on the golf course and not actually walking around seeing the country, it would make more sense.
A notorious workaholic who rarely gives interviews, he lives in a mansion overlooking a prestigious golf course in Sunningdale, Berkshire.
A notorious workaholic who rarely gives interviews, he lives in a mansion overlooking a prestigious golf course in Sunningdale, Berkshire.