"Popular" fiction included best-sellers like "Gone Girl" by Gillian Flynn, and Danielle Steel's "The Sins of the Mother”.
Suddenly her handicap was gone and all I saw was this beautiful girl, whose smile gave me a better understanding of life.
The tale of a young girl and her dog Toto, whisked from Kansas into a magical realm, was a huge hit and vied with Gone With the Wind as the most spectacular film to date.
Gone was the pale face and brave smile and in their place was a glowing and healthy looking girl who looked ready to take on the world.
Starring 17-year-old high school girl Zhou Dongyu and university acting major Dou Xiao, renowned director Zhang Yimou's latest work Under the Hawthorn Tree has gone on general release Wednesday.
He had not thought of that girl a single time since the day when she had conducted him to the Rue Plumet, he had not seen her again, and she had gone completely out of his mind.
She had me pull up in front of a furniture warehouse that had once been a ballroom where she had gone dancing as a girl.
CAREER: Most famous for her role as Rachel Green in Friends, Jennifer has gone on to have a successful film career and is the go-to girl for romcoms.
演艺生涯 :在《老友记》中饰演了人见人爱的瑞秋格林后,詹妮弗继而开始了其成功的电影生涯,目前已成为浪漫喜剧电影的当家花旦。
Earlier this year when I went back to my home village, my parents told me that a girl in the village had gone mad.
Angelina plays Gloria, a young girl whose brother was killed in the heist-gone-wrong.
When I reached the checkout girl I remarked, jokingly, that my money was all gone after I had paid for all the articles.
When they were growing up he had never gone for her , like he used to go for Harry and Ernest , because she was a girl ;
The poor girl has probably found a buyer for her furniture and has gone to Paris to finalize the details.
The Biltmore was turned into an office building more than 15 years ago, the couches where he sat, girl-watching, gone.
Hildy, Jaime mused. "And how fares your lady wife?" he asked Lord Jonos when the girl was gone.
That voice could be a raucous smoker's or light, fresh and prim, with the intonation of a girl who had gone to elocution lessons and knew to say "lounge", not "front room".
她的声音有时候像烟鬼那样沙哑,有时候像少女在演讲课上知道说“休息室”(lounge)而不是“隔音室”(front room)那般晶莹剔透。
Today, I realized that my ex-girlfriend has gone further with a girl than I have. FML
Then my dad gone, my mother said the girl says Dad is also good, so in my dad came only three days after we get married.
19when the owners of the slave girl realized that their hope of making money was gone, they seized Paul and Silas and dragged them into the marketplace to face the authorities.
But one rainy night, a car had gone off the road and struck the girl whom Peter loved.
That was truest on her 2007 breakthrough album “Good Girl Gone Bad” (Def Jam); her releases since then have been harsher, sturdier, and at least on paper, angrier.
最真实的例证就是她2007年的突破性专辑“GoodGirl Gone Bad好女孩变坏女孩’(DefJam经典嘻哈唱片品牌);从这张专辑开始,她的歌就变得更苛刻,更坚定,更愤怒(至少在纸上)了。
I overheard an attractive girl who was in the band with me say that maybe it was a good thing for the country that he was gone.
Uther the Lightbringer: Ah, Jaina. I thought I might find you here. Where has he gone, girl? Where has Arthas taken the fleet?
I am very simple-mind girl, will smile to see everything, although, sometimes I will sweeping, when all the things has gone away I will become the simple-mind girl again!
Her husband, that is the little girl 'father, has finished work and gone home. The sunset is splendid, shining on his vigorous body.
The girl has married, has gone to France, went time to appear innumerably in her dream Paris.
The surprise birthday party she threw for me that year in Paris when she invited every girl I'd gone out with there.
The surprise birthday party she threw for me that year in Paris when she invited every girl I'd gone out with there.