Good-evening, little Peter; how is your reading going?
I think of another student I had who came to me one morning, one evening actually, walked into my office and said that I had written a pretty good paper.
Good evening, in 1959, on the day that I was born, a headline in Life magazine proclaimed target Venus, there may be life there.
"Good evening, madam," Bob said, smiling.
I enjoy tuning in to a language that, unlike Hungarian, has familiar sounds: "buna seara" (good evening); "la revedere" (goodbye); "scuze" (excuse me).
Good evening. Tonight, I'd like to talk to you about the end of our combat mission in Iraq, the ongoing security challenges we face, and the need to rebuild our nation here at home.
Ambassador Locke: Good evening and welcome to the American Embassy as we observe this solemn occasion.
Good evening Shen le, you went to the expo and as we saw in your story, the major telecommunication carriers are churning out applications that's going to link more devices to their networks.
Good evening, it is a great honour and privilege for me to stand before you and to warmly welcome you to the Opening Ceremony of the inaugural Youth Olympic Games.
Good evening, everyone. I extend my warmest greetings to the members of the Swedish Academy and to all of the other distinguished guests in attendance tonight.
Good evening, everyone. I extendmy warmest greetings to the members of the Swedish Academy and to all of the other distinguished guests in attendance tonight.
And as we say "good evening" or "good morning, " whatever time this is, why, please tell all of your lovely listeners that we do love them madly."
Good evening. It's a song that I like very much, it's very nice. Unfortunately I don't speak great Spanish!
Good evening, ladies and gentlemen. Buenas noches, mis amigos.
HAN MEI: Good evening, Lucy and Lily.
Good morning is typically said in the morning before midday; Good afternoon is said between midday and around 5pm; Good evening is usually said after 5pm.
Goodmorning一般在正午之前使用;Goodafternoon在正午和下午5点之前使用;Good evening一般在下午5点之后使用。
Evening news is where they begin with 'good evening', and then proceed to tell you why it isn't.
She held out her hand. He just touched it. Good evening! He repeated, in a voice low and hollow as an echo. She turned, but in a moment returned.
HostA B: Good evening, welcome to the Jiaolun high school class eleven hosting news broadcast programs.
播放新闻联播主题曲。 主持人甲乙: 大家晚上好,欢迎收看由教伦中学高一十一班主持的新闻联播节目。
Good evening ladies and gentlemen, welcome to the final of Xi 'an Conservatory of Music 2010 English Songs Competition.
Good evening, ladies and gentlemen, distinguished guests and honorable judges.
Time after work and weekends are generally very congested traffic, so we choose the need to avoid this period of very good evening.
Pudong GND, good evening, CES123, parking Bay 205, ready for GND, request pushback and startup.
And good evening, from the nation of Ghana in West Africa.
Instead they played a friendly at home to Georgia in Rostock but it was still a good evening for Michael Ballack.
Instead they played a friendly at home to Georgia in Rostock but it was still a good evening for Michael Ballack.