He picked up a good-sized piece of gravel and started to wind-up.
I generally eat three good-sized meals a day and supplement them with good snack foods.
A good-sized screw eye is fastened in the cross piece of the frame, and to this tie the ball.
In order to make sure the programs worked, I needed some input, and I wanted a fairly good-sized data set.
On the other side of the village from the Burrow is a fairly good-sized hill called Stoatshead hill.
It had four bedrooms, a good-sized kitchen, and a large screened-in porch that opened right onto the beach.
So, after being here about two months I ended up in the hospital with a nasty and good-sized kidney stone.
The biggest problem that arises from leaving a good-sized gap is other drivers riding too close behind you.
I have used a slightly earlier revision of this in several good-sized applications and it has worked very well.
"The Blacklist" is taking a good-sized break in the middle of its second season before relaunching on Thursday nights in early 2015.
The fact is the entire banking systems of Indonesia, Thailand or Malaysia are comparable to one good-sized regional bank in the United States.
When you believe the structure and content are coming together, go through your full conversion workflow with a good-sized sample, then review the results.
The decomposition and collaboration design methodology is a key means to shorten design periods of good-sized products in the modern competitive market;
All the masterminds and main framers come from Shanghai, who fearlessly attempt to produce a genuine good-sized original animation that is "Created in China, Made in China".
Experiments show that the new algorithm proposed can be successfully used in retrieving the image from good-sized image database and extracting semantic information from image automatically.
And while the planet is likely too chilly to make a good home, it gives us hope that smaller, Earth-sized planets may be abundant.
因此,天文学家认为MOA-192 b 不会像地球这样气候宜人,而是像海王星一样,是一个冰冷的气态行星。虽然要在这颗行星上安家太冷了,但是它给予我们希望,或许地球这样尺寸的较小行星还是挺多的。
The good thing about these is that you can carry them everywhere you go - putting the credit card sized CD or the USB drive into your pocket and using your own operating system anywhere you go.
A good test to use is go to the back of the room where the furthest audience member would be sitting before you do your presentation. Put on the slide with the smallest sized text.
A good rule of thumb is that a medium-sized or large city will probably require a full-time coordinator, while a town may be able to get by with a part-time coordinator.
Shaving oil is a shaving cream/foam replacement that packs up much smaller than even travel sized shaving products. It's also good for both men and women.
The new Malibu medium-sized saloon is just as good as the Toyota Camry, Honda Accord and Nissan Altima, yet is still shunned by many drivers because it is a Chevy.
The space was packed, with 70 galleries in mid-sized stands, but the effect was dignified discipline, with a good number of solo and themed shows.
Give a few pieces of really good chocolate instead of a suitcase-sized box of something that's on sale - and likely stale.
Give a few pieces of really good chocolate instead of a suitcase-sized box of something that's on sale - and likely stale.