Visitors can buy good and cheap gifts.
Nowadays some products made in China are both good and cheap, such as Xiaomi mobile phones, Haier fridges and Lenovo computers.
The invention provides a formula and a method for producing various good and cheap nutritious candies.
For example, the news tells us what are happening all over the world; the ads tell us what things are good and cheap.
Teacher:I for fun hang out with my friends and I drink with them once in a while . Chinese beer is good and cheap too.
Market integration is made possible by good and cheap transportation, adequate information about costs, and efficient commercial institutions.
Depends on the brands. But there will be some out-of-season clothes on discount, too. So maybe we can also get some stuff, good and cheap.
Gucci: Depends on the brands. But there will be some out-of-season clothes on discount, too. So maybe we can also get some stuff, good and cheap.
Knock knock a button, good and cheap goods go out thousands of miles in the factory are well aware, we do not want to think of the previous things.
Grain and oil resources and their processing byproducts can be a good and cheap source of energy and protein feed resources with a great quantities.
The new man-made fibers are more hardwiring than natural fibers and greatly reduce mending, while good ready-made clothes are cheap and plentiful.
The food is good and very cheap.
Life is usually controlled by cars in the US. There's no cheap and good public transportation, so it's so difficult to get somewhere.
Current carbon pricing schemes, such as the European emissions trading scheme, are a good start, but they leave out too many sectors, and permits are too cheap.
We seem to have focused a lot on 'cheap' and 'good' but the extra time we need to invest to also keep it 'fast' comes out of our own pockets.
If the problem is ear deformity, Sony's over-ear, around-ear or headband-style earphones are dirt cheap and sound surprisingly good.
She adds, "But when you're spending so much, managing it is also important. Stay away from cheap products and make sure you use good company products."
Even the middle class has access to penicillin, air travel, good cheap food, the Internet, and cable TV, not to mention a heart bypass operation, if needed.
And don't underestimate the value of cash; in a volatile world both good and bad assets are impacted, and the higher the probability of being able to buy good assets at really cheap levels.
There are many other really cheap and simple sensor setups, but this is a good starter for now.
The third view is that the era of cheap resources is over for good - that we're running out of oil, running out of land to expand food production and generally running out of planet to exploit.
If you're a good skater, all the better, but if you're a failure, the awkward flailing around will at least make her laugh (and laughter is an absurdly cheap aphrodisiac).
Despite soaring commodity costs, baked beans are still relatively cheap and are generally considered to be good for the heart.
Whereas American stores are good at moving goods hundreds ofmiles and keeping them cheap, British retailers specialise in regular, frequentdeliveries to heaving city-centre stores.
They know which restaurant serves good but cheap food, which shopping mall is offering big discounts, and which gym's membership card is the best bargain.
They know which restaurant serves good but cheap food, which shopping mall is offering big discounts, and which gym's membership card is the best bargain.