It was not good for him to take any wine, but he drank with his eyes open.
Instead, his mother checked him for a fever and decided it was good for him to go to school, even if he couldn't talk.
He thinks the rules his mother has made are good for him, so he faithfully obeys them.
If the hunter knows what's good for him, he'll leave the little ones alone.
Clerk: Good for him. But still, don't forget to take some preventive measures.
Little Bear knew what was good for him; so he gladly put his little wet paw into Mrs.
The next couple of weeks will be good for him to tackle exercises with more intensity.
Well, they may be well done, but you mean good in what sense? Good for him or beneficial to him?
"I think this will be good for him, just as it will motivate our other strikers," added Leonardo.
He says while he knows it's good for him, he, like many of us, can't find the time. He's just too busy.
They see who is good for him, who love him, he is reported to show a picture of the same repay you.
She says Adam was always ambitious and she's convinced that growing up in Tensta was actually good for him.
We thought it would be good for him and that he'd enjoy it, and apparently it turned out to be good advice.
When a person is told that fast food is not good for him from a nutritional point of view, he is hardly surprised.
But she never forgot the Demon's treasure-house of lost gold and happiness, whenever she saw any one drinking more than was good for him.
There are some big names who have scored a lot of goals for this club so for Torres to be with them is really good for him and also for us.
"That boy is suffering for society and fun, " she said to herself. "His grandpa does not know what's good for him, and keeps him shut up all alone.
They called Peter the Great White Father, prostrating themselves before him; and he liked this tremendously, so that it was not really good for him.
Beckham is obviously not playing at his best because of the absence from competitive action, but this last week was very good for him and I'm sure he can be better.
Beckham is obviously not playing at his best because of the absence from competitive action, but this last week was very good for him and I'm sure he can be better.