The work done in present study provides a good basis for further investigations on cleanroom, such as airflow distribution, contamination control , and innovation design.
After school, I often do my home work and listen to music in the bedroom. I like my bedroom. It's a good place both for study and sleeping.
Keeping a good mood makes us stay in high spirit and concentrate on our work or study, which is a premise for our efficient work or study.
If you are paying attention and taking good notes in class and keeping up with the assignments and readings, then your work to study for an exam is already half done.
I know it's never easy for me to realize my dream of becoming an excellent photographer: I will have to work hard to buy myself a good camera and study hard to learn the skills.
One wanted me to study hard, earn a degree and get a good job to work for money.
Established as part of the Economic Opportunity Act of 1964, work-study mirrors the economy: demand for the jobs is lower in good times and higher in bad times.
And watching TV usually takes too much time. It's not good for people's work and study. It's not good foi' their eyes, either.
There is nothing to blame if you spend money on things you like, which is good for improving your life and study. The money is made by parents' hard work.
The lighting is good for our eyes, also can improve the efficiency of our study and work.
Orlando Bloom is a Capricorn. His grace and good looks are what his fans notice first, but it's his years of study and hard work that have made it possible for him to make it this far.
Orlando Bloom is a Capricorn. His grace and good looks are what his fans notice first, but it's his years of study and hard work that have made it possible for him to make it this far.