It is good karma to have time and space to meditate and find one's internal peace within.
Good karma is karma that one can collect to procure a good job or a beautiful place to live.
You do not become awakened by accumulating, as they sometimes say in the East, "good karma".
By not killing, we may not accumulate bad karma, but we are not accumulating good karma either.
We should help others and make lots of good karma even if you think good deeds are a waste of time.
How have you turned your time gaps into good karma opportunities for making a difference in the world?
When something bad happens to others, you help because they might have the good karma to be helped by you.
If we care for others with a mind of compassion, equality and respect, we will generate good karma with everyone.
Life is good, really good. Sometimes I feel like the good karma train picked me up, and simply refuses to let me off.
You can make a difference in the world and create some good karma for yourself in the short, often forgotten, free moments of your day or week.
With constant and respectful effort you will accumulate good karma by doing such virtuous deeds as going for refuge and maintaining ethical discipline.
If you reserve judgement and spend time making that person comfortable you will not only spread some good karma around but will earn their eternal gratitude.
The common false views are such that the people of one country, who create bad karma, can see these signs, while those of the other country, who create good karma, don't see them.
In Buddhism, almsgiving is a meritorious act, or "good karma". Karma is the idea of spiritual justice, or cause-and-effect, and is held responsible all of life's successes and challenges.
This is yoga, after all, and whatever good you've just done your mind and body will be cancelled out with bad karma and guilt if you stiff the instructor.
The transcendental view is that all beings in the transmigration are bound by karma and blinded by Self, so they don't know what is truly good for them and hence make many mistakes.
Whether it is a good deed or a mean trick, every action stays in the karma circle.
One theory of this is the sort of karma logic that assumes, if something bad happens to you, then something good must happen to balance out the karma.
It is a good opportunity, the merits, such as can not grasp the karma, as will slip away.
My yoga center's name is Karma – 'Karma' means that if you do good things, you will get good things back.
Everyone here has supreme good roots. I believe no one will forget to repent, and everyone will make a vow to repent of and eradicate all the karma of their offenses.
Our every thought is a cause of good or bad karma, and our daily activities are the sprouts of these causes.
The power of the antidote: Undertake some kind of good deed to make up for the bad karma, and dedicate it to stopping this bad kama .
The idea of rebirth in Hinduism refers to the soul's karma, delivering both the good and bad deeds leading that lead from one reincarnation to another.
The idea of rebirth in Hinduism refers to the soul's karma, delivering both the good and bad deeds leading that lead from one reincarnation to another.