Prerequisites of a top-notch it management staff are: proven track records in sales, sophisticated in negotiation skills, strong in communicating power and also a good team-player.
There are the regulations we provide right now and we have the rights to perfect it whenever we need, so be a good team-player survive start from here, prove you are a worth member that we need.
Placing too much emphasis on being a good team player can negatively affect your career growth.
Being a good team player is an important skill in life.
A good choice for the school: he turns out to be the best player on the team.
He has shown he is an intelligent player, he has good technique and can integrate well with the team.
"I can't say which player is best. The entire team is good, " said a waitress who professed to be a football fan, between serving dishes of cold noodles and spicy bibimbop.
While there are good defensive players, one person can’t carry a defense the same way a player can carry a team offensively.
"All the time we have one more player in [central] midfield than the other team, " enthused Deco. "And because we have very good players, it's fantastic to play in."
I do think that Yi will be a good player and now you guys can focus on the actual team instead of all the other BS.
Other skills and Abilities: good communication and cross functional coordination skills, team player, high energy and commitment to job, honest and responsible person.
That was one idea - and if you can sign a local player it's good for team spirit in the dressing room.
Ricardo (Kaka) played very well and that's what matters: that a player is in good form to help the team.
Uranus does not want you to befriend others and join groups at any cost, but to be true to yourself, true to your authentic real personality, and to also be a good team player.
I have the educational background and relevant experience required by the job. Besides, I am a very good team player and have the desire to make a thorough success.
He's a very good player who directs and organises his team, and his passing is superb.
Strong interpersonal skills and a good team player, able to work effectively in a cross-departmental and multi-cultural environment.
Good presentation and communication skill, have strong interest on learning new things and willing to be a good team player.
I'm a person of responsibility. I have my good qualities. Number one: I'm a team player.
You do not need them in the game is the fastest, jump the highest, or most prospective bidders, in order to be a good team player, you just need time to participate in daily practice.
When this is not clear, people may engage in dysfunctional behavior even when trying very hard to be a good team player because they don't understand what they are being asked to do.
Have great communication skills and sitting alongside a team of designers, creatives and project managers. A real team player, confident and good to have around.
Mourinho challenged his team to prove they were not reliant on one player, however good he is.
Saying gto an interviewer, I am a great leader who gets the job done or I am known for being a good team player is like saying nothing at all.
跟面试官说,“我是一名能够顺利完成任务的好领导。”或“我因为良好的团队合作精神而受欢迎。” 其实说了等于没说。
A team player with good management and leadership skills, able to lead a team and meet deadlines.
I learn things very fast, and I am a good team player. Besides, I'm very punctual.
I learn things very fast, and I am a good team player. Besides, I'm very punctual.