Although good TV shows can help stir children's interest in conservation, they cannot replace the excitement of a zoo visit as an intense, immersive and interactive experience.
That is, watching good TV makes you more empathetic.
Aaron: This channel has so many adverting, and it doesn't have any good TV programs.
When someone raffles a TV, some people think it's a good TV but others don't like it.
This kind of game can make a good TV show but it doesn’t solve the real underlying problems.
At the inner side, any good TV programs must have a right anchor, editor and feasible operation rules.
Sure, the show will raise awareness of organ donation; but it is certainly not going to raise the profile of good TV drama.
Just like good novels, good TV series have compelling narratives, engaging and interesting characters, clever plot twists, thorny moral dilemmas... they're far from being trash.
The TV Tower is as good as the Eiffel Tower in Paris and the London Eye.
You will get good jobs if you spend only a week on our course about ads, TV programs, films and fashion.
The TV programme also shows what good exercise it can be to ballroom dance and what hard work is involved in learning the dances and performing them properly.
Watching a lot of TV does no good to your mind.
After a little bit of careful thinking, parents will realize that watching TV after school is a good way for students to relax.
I go to the stadium whenever there is a good game, and if I can't get a ticket, I watch the game on TV.
Soon after that, Malala's family was chosen to be in a TV program to show ordinary children's education because both father and daughter spoke good English, and they cared about children getting an education.
Despite years of efforts by ghost hunters on TV and in real life, we still do not have good proof that ghosts are real.
Some of the most effective citizens groups get TV coverage by staging events that provide action and good pictures.
That doesn't mean they can't make a difference at home, though, by getting junk food out of the cupboards, limiting TV time and - most important - being good role models.
Maybe you want to stay off TV for good, or at least cut back on it drastically.
On the other hand, 30% of American survey said they would rather read a book than do anything else, 21% said watching TV is their favorite activity, that's the good news.
There is far more entertainment provided by a good book than by a month of typical TV programming.
The BBC has good digital TV channels for young children, CBBC and Cbeebies.
Even the middle class has access to penicillin, air travel, good cheap food, the Internet, and cable TV, not to mention a heart bypass operation, if needed.
No need for a sit down kitchen table, but it is imperative that I have a good table at the TV for eating.
No need for a sit down kitchen table, but it is imperative that I have a good table at the TV for eating.