An attachment is usually a large file so a good programming practice is to not use it in your application until it is needed; instead, use a token to represent it.
At Saddleback Church, we practice the “good enough” principle: It doesn't have to be perfect for God to use and bless it.
In fact, it is a good practice to assume that there is a problem, and then use runtime analysis to pinpoint what it is.
It's generally good practice only to use SSL on pages that absolutely require the transport security that the protocol provides.
It's a good practice to use the as much as possible to confine untrusted external contents.
And it would use a 'bottom-up' approach, embedded in good practice and professional experience, rather than resorting to 'top-down' measures.
A good practice is to define a wrapper BO type for context you expect to use (probably stored in the module itself) that can contain the relevant chunks of data.
A good practice when developing a UI is to use cascading style sheets (CSS files).
When developing the UI for your RUI handler, another good practice is to use the Box widget to organize areas of your UI.
在为您的RUI 处理程序开发UI 时,另一个好的做法是使用Box小部件来组织 UI 的各个区域。
It's a good practice to create and assign one for each queue manager and use it to catch messages that are not sent due to network or destination issues.
Note that it is good practice to use existing predicates whenever possible; in this case, you use some vocabulary from the FOAF ontology.
Note: Since the Design Data tool and the Design tool use the same file, it's a good practice to close one tool before opening the other.
注意:由于DesignData工具和 Design 工具使用同一个文件,因此最好在关闭一个工具之后再打开另一个工具。
The use of lang files in writing modules and plug-ins is optional, but a good recommended practice to follow.
The good practice is to parameterize a query, which allows the query to be parsed or prepared only once, cached, and reused. So a better way to write the query is to use a named parameter
It is a good practice to use the Wizard option called Define custom mapping for namespace to package.
一个不错的做法是使用向导选项Definecustommapping fornamespace to package。
It's good practice to use the.mod extension for MathProg input files and redirect the solution to a file with the extension.sol.
使用. mod作为MathProg输入文件的扩展名并将答案重定向到一个扩展名为.sol的文件中是一个好习惯。
You don't need to use separate files for each class, but it's good practice to do so.
The good news is we can all learn to use body language to our benefit. It just takes a little practice.
If the parting line cannot be on a single plane, then it is good practice to use symmetry of the design to minimize the side thrust forces.
The use of the algorithm in practice gives very good effect of the audio meeting signal synthesizing.
You may find it difficult to use chopsticks if you haven't tried before, Olt's a good idea to get some practice beforehand.
如果你以前没尝试过,你可能发现用筷子很难。 提前做一些练习是个好主意。
If you make good use of your golden time in college, you will learn a lot of things not only in the textbooks, but also outside the textbooks; not only in theory, but also in practice.
The practice proves that the educational effect is very good when the instructors use these measures mentioned above.
For novice computer programming if they intend to do development work, to practice good English input is very important, the use of this software allows you to transport means, such as God!
Good practice organization and management is necessary in making good use of practice and realizing its goal.
The method is that takes physical parameter of bearing as design variable. It has good practicality in actual use. It is effective in practice proved by the use of products of fan.
"Proper use" means installation, commissioning, operation and maintenance in accordance with the Contractor's advice and good engineering practice.
I use a good practice for it, but it depends on your production policy, is that not commit if is called from a ut.
The article mainly discussed 9 difficult problems in the crime of appropriating public funds for personal use in order to provide good reference basis for judicial practice.
The Malso's level demand theory has not only provided university Job Subsidies System with good theoretical base, but also can be made full use of in practice.