If someone wants to goof off, they go to the goof-off area, which should be a different place.
After dinner is when Obama gets to "goof off a little bit - play with Bo," the new dog.
If you are not religious you can spend time with your family, read all day, go on a hike, goof off, try new recipes or enjoy any other hobby.
In other words, these busy iPhone users didn't have time to goof off by clicking (or rather, tapping) through on a mobile ad.
If you goof off or choose to indulge yourself, there will be some form of pay back later.
On Saturday afternoons, I like to go to a movie or just goof off at home.
The fact that almost 40% of respondents would rather take on more work than sit by a manager suggests that this isn't about wanting distance from the boss so they can goof off.
We find it more fun — and more satisfying — to goof off when we're supposed to be working or running errands.
The employees would goof off whenever the boss wasn't around.
Do they goof off, or do they try to pursue more meaningful pursuits?
They don't know how to goof off, at least in the best, fat sense of the word.
We've discovered a method to goof off despite it all.
Portuguese Olympic cross-country skier Danny Silva said these events bring out the best in the usually sombre Finns, letting them goof off, dress up, and poke fun at themselves.
I did sinner, I am nothing, rely on a pair of Qiao tongue deceived the end, the ability to just want to goof off, do not want to work, just want to pleasure.
Most people simply goof off too much at work, and that is the reason why their results are below expectations.
Most people simply goof off too much at work, and that is the reason why their results are below expectations.