What's not included? Google Apps for Business.
Google Apps for Business includes Gmail, Google Calendar and Docs and other web-based applications geared for corporate customers and is the biggest threat to Office 365's success.
谷歌商业应用程序专为企业级用户定制,包括Gmail、谷歌日历、谷歌文档以及其它基于网络的应用程序,可谓Office 365最大的对手。
What's more, Microsoft — along with other competitors — has its own cloud-based offering, which could end up not just cannibalizing Exchange but also taking on Google Apps for Business.
Google + for business was one of the features requested by Google Apps customers, taking collaboration and data sharing to a higher level. Another important component is the API.
Google +为企业提供支持,是Google Apps客户提出的请求之一,将协作和数据共享推上了一个新的高度,同时还有一个很重要组件——api。
Google video for business is available from today for Premier Edition users, and will be available to Google Apps Education Edition customers from Monday for a free six-month trial.
从今天起,高级版本用户可以使用商业视频,从周一起,Google应用入门版(Google AppsEducationEdition)用户也可以免费试用半年。
Business mashups can help you and your partners integrate with Web 2.0 services (for example, Google Apps) in support of such business needs.
业务mashup能够帮助您和您的合作伙伴与Web 2.0服务(比如Google Apps)集成来支持这种业务需求。
Also for the first time Zoho released an official suite, similar to Google Apps, called Zoho Business.
此外,Zoho首次发布了一套办公套件,与Google Apps相类似,名叫Zoho Business。
Also for the first time Zoho released an official suite, similar to Google Apps, called Zoho Business.
此外,Zoho首次发布了一套办公套件,与Google Apps相类似,名叫Zoho Business。