There are several ways users can save IM sessions. Google Inc.
Google and the Google logo are registered trademarks of Google Inc.
Google Inc. 's founders boasted that its search engine would' organize all the world's information. '.
谷歌(Google Inc .)创始人则宣布他们的搜索引擎将组织起全世界的信息。
The offering would be one of the biggest in the technology world since Google Inc. went public in 2004.
It runs a new version of Google Inc. 's Android software that was designed for tablets, not smart phones.
And its Bing Internet search engine is Posting solid market share growth but remains miles behind Google Inc.
Solid growth is expected from other tech bellwethers, including Google Inc. on Thursday and Apple on July 20.
预计其他科技领头羊公司也将公布强劲的增长,其中谷歌(Google Inc。)将在周四公布业绩,苹果公司将在7月20日公布。
The Sony Ericsson phone, the A8i, runs an operating system developed by China Mobile based on Google Inc. 's Android.
该款手机使用的是由中国移动基于谷歌(Google Inc)Android系统开发的操作系统。
Google Inc. provided free Wi-Fi service as a holiday gift through January 15 in dozens of airports across the United States.
SAN FRANCISCO – Google Inc. is adding a free email feature that may persuade more people to cut the cords on their landline phones.
In corporate news, Google Inc. fell 4.5 percent after European regulators launched an antitrust probe into the online search giant.
Microsoft Corp. and Yahoo Inc. have signed off on their plan to team up against Google Inc. in the lucrative Internet search market.
The phones now have been rereleased as third-generation, or higher-speed, smartphones running Google Inc. 's Android operating system.
目前该系列手机已更新至第三代,这一代产品是采用谷歌(Google Inc)Android操作系统的智能手机,速度更快。
Access in China to Twitter and to many foreign blog-hosting services including Google inc. 's Blogger are at least partially blocked.
Twitter和很多外国博客服务,包括谷歌(Google Inc。)的Blogger,在中国都被至少部分屏蔽。
Word of possible layoffs at Yahoo comes as other Internet companies, including Google inc., Facebook inc., and others are on hiring sprees.
Word of possible layoffs at Yahoo comes as other Internet companies, including Google Inc. , Facebook Inc. , and others are on hiring sprees.
Joining the top 10 of the country's richest for the first time were Google Inc. founders Sergey Brin and Larry Page, who tied for fifth place.
While there are always enormous IPO successes such as Microsoft Corp. in 1986 and Google Inc. in 2004, most freshly minted stocks don't keep pace.
尽管1986年的微软(MicrosoftCorp。)和2004年的谷歌(Google Inc。)等股票都获得了巨大成功,但大多数新股都表现滞后。
Google Inc. 's move to offer its own Web browser begs a question about a technology that most people now take for granted: What exactly is a Web browser?
谷歌(Google Inc .)计划推出自主开发的网络浏览器;但这并不意味着人人都了解这项大家都习以为常的技术。那么,究竟什么是网络浏览器呢?
Google Inc. on Tuesday said it is providing free Wi-Fi service as a holiday gift now through Jan. 15 next year in dozens of airports across the United States.
The ads will appear at the top of search results for searches users conduct on Twitter, a model similar to Google Inc.'s wildly successful search advertising system.
广告将出现在用户在Twitter上搜索结果的顶部,这一模式与谷歌(Google Inc.)获得巨大成功的搜索广告系统类似。
The one-time billionaire made $72 million by trading on inside information on Goldman Sachs, Intel Corp., Google Inc., ATI Technologies and Clearwire, prosecutors say.
Moving to staunch the defection of staff to competitors, Google Inc. is giving a 10% raise to all of its 23,000 employees, according to people familiar with the matter.
据知情人士说,为阻止员工向竞争对手流失,谷歌公司(Google Inc。)将给全部2.3万名员工加薪10%。
The battle between Microsoft Corp. and Google Inc. has shifted into new territory: a race to see who can make online maps that make people feel like they're really there.
That's because the modern infosphere is both organized and navigated through hyperlinked pages of digital text, with the most-linked pages rising to the top of Google Inc.
Google Inc., faced with a mountain of data on its users' Web search habits, is taking steps to bolster consumer privacy protections in coming months, the company said late on Wednesday.
Google Inc., faced with a mountain of data on its users' Web search habits, is taking steps to bolster consumer privacy protections in coming months, the company said late on Wednesday.