Moreover, insurers like AIG who insured these bad mortgages also got in trouble.
Though they managed to start the car in the beginning, yet they got in trouble soon.
My brother used to be a trouble-maker. My parents had to go see the principal every time he got in trouble.
I also got in trouble once for excusing myself to go to the bathroom and staying away too long during the daily rosary.
With his awareness increased, he stayed in his seat more than usual, completed more assignments and rarely got in trouble.
Another time, he abandoned his big lead in a yacht race in order to rescue a competitor who got in trouble and needed help.
Ireland, by contrast, is a high-productivity, low-spending country that got in trouble from a foolish promise to back the debt of its bloated Banks.
We all know the Virgin Mobile case, where Virgin used CC licensed images in an advertisement without getting permission from the models, and got in trouble.
A man who dresses the United States Olympic team for the opening and closing ceremonies, and who (because he got in trouble, admittedly) is now doing so in Made-in-America stuff.
Obama got in trouble in his talk last August with Rick Warren for saying that the question of when life begins was "above my pay grade." But just because he was glib doesn't mean he was wrong.
Okay I have put it slightly differently this week; you remember last week I got in trouble by phrasing it more or less because we don't want the premises to be less probable than the conclusion do we?
In 2013, Wu Hongfei, a singer, got into trouble for saying on weibo that she wanted to blow up a building.
Then I got to know that he helped the drivers in trouble on the road every weekend.
In addition to amazing photos Mark's book tells the tales of his adventures studying ants around the world - and the trouble it got him into.
In the early days of Microsoft, Gates got so many speeding tickets that he was forced to hire the best traffic attorney in Washington State to get him out of trouble.
The pact for the euro is supposed to help by breaking euro countries of the bad economic habits that got them into trouble in the first place.
Times come when you want to get rid of the entire situation or if you got yourself in a great deal of trouble.
The bank's managers put its success down to an extremely decentralised management model, introduced in 1972 after a period when Handelsbanken had got into trouble.
Admittedly, America's AIG got into serious trouble after expanding into the business of insuring mortgage bonds, but Swiss Re was the only other company to dabble in this dangerous niche.
诚然,美国的美国国际集团(aig)在扩展进入为抵押债券提供保险的业务后陷入严重麻烦,除aig外瑞士再保险(Swiss Re)是唯一涉猎此利基的公司。
In the 1980s, he says, the savings and loan industry got into trouble because regulators and Congress allowed such a pattern to play out.
I got into trouble but it was so much fun because my friends and I know so many people in the school.
Just imagine! You are in trouble, because your card got stolen and you don't have anyone to help you - all your friends are miles away.
Just imagine! You are in trouble, because your card got stolen and you don't have anyone to help you - all your friends are miles away.