I took two years out for an MBA and got into debt, lost out on income and would do it again in a second.
Parents may not even be aware, in many of these cases, that their children have got into debt and then scraped their way out.
We don't mean leverage in terms of financial leverage — adding more and more debt to the balance sheet — that is what got quite a few companies into trouble during the downturn.
Which means there is only one solution left: a long, slow, boring, lonely, soul-crushing process of digging out from under the piles of debt that got us into this mess.
JAL, forced to fly to their white elephants, got deeper into debt.
The poor fellow had got into a bit of debt over the cost of his machine which we repaid for him.
America has got ever deeper into debt, unable to kick the habit of living beyond its means.
Instead, I made six figures per year but got further into debt every time I got a pay raise.
That has led to unusual movements in debt and equity markets, which have only got some funds deeper into trouble.
U. S. households came into this recession with a mountain of debt, a situation enabled by a banking sector that took on too many risks and got too big.
You seem to have got into a bit of a muddle with your finances and it is only by sitting down and doing your sums before Thursday that you will truly work out if you are in debt or credit.
You seem to have got into a bit of a muddle with your finances and it is only by sitting down and doing your sums before Thursday that you will truly work out if you are in debt or credit.