In 2013, Wu Hongfei, a singer, got into trouble for saying on weibo that she wanted to blow up a building.
The days when a kid came home from school and said, "I got into trouble", and dad said, "you probably deserved it", are over.
If the investigation uncovers anything, it wouldn't be the first time a telecom provider got into trouble over the broadband speeds it promised and delivered customers.
Tina got into trouble for telling lies.
He got into trouble for seducing the daughter of a respectable tradesman.
We must ask why so many thoroughly regulated and supervised institutions got into trouble.
When I got into trouble, my father would go and rescue me from the places where I was at.
Cherie and her brother were left alone everyday, so they got into trouble at a very young age.
Kate, you are not a baby any more and you can't be such a cry baby whenever you got into trouble.
I got into trouble but it was so much fun because my friends and I know so many people in the school.
Well, I think quite frankly one of the reasons we got into trouble is we lost our capability to make choices.
Some servant had once got into trouble at night and so he had arranged that they should all be locked in.
Once the financial system got into trouble, the sales model supported by the financial system collapsed.
They felt that Banks got into trouble because the penalties for bad lending decisions had not been severe enough.
Everyone knew each other, so if you got into trouble in school, chances are, your mom knew about it before you got home.
So sometimes he got into trouble One day , on his way to town , he felt a little tired and sat down under a tree to have rest .
But, if the Banks got into trouble again, it might allow the state to rescue only the bits of them that really matter to the public.
Then again, Nationwide has spent much of the crisis snapping up other mutuals that have got into trouble, so the model is not infallible.
In the 1980s, he says, the savings and loan industry got into trouble because regulators and Congress allowed such a pattern to play out.
The former senator, who was meant to head up Mr Obama's health efforts before he got into trouble over his taxes, remains an influential voice.
Earlier this year when the euro got into trouble, China adopted a wait-and-see policy. Its absence as a buyer contributed to the euro's decline.
The science fiction has been spreading in our country for more than one hundred years, but it has got into trouble in spreading in our country recently.
Back then, the Thais, Koreans and others got into trouble because they ran low on foreign-currency reserves and couldn't cover their foreign-currency debts.
The exchange got into trouble with the SEC in 1999, when it was charged with failing to stop illegal trading schemes perpetrated by groups of floor brokers.
The bank's managers put its success down to an extremely decentralised management model, introduced in 1972 after a period when Handelsbanken had got into trouble.
If Wall Street got into trouble by borrowing too much, downplaying risks and living only for the present, the same could be said of much of the rest of the country.
If Wall Street got into trouble by borrowing too much, downplaying risks and living only for the present, the same could be said of much of the rest of the country.