Unluckily, it got stuck under the fence.
The shorter boy got stuck in the mud and started to sink.
Unluckily, my friend got stuck in the heavy traffic and I had to wait for an hour at the pickup area.
If we got stuck in the rut of "hi" "hello", you will fail to give the initial jolt to the conversation.
Thousands of bees left a town after landing on the back of a car when their queen got stuck in its boot.
In its early history, Chicago had floods frequently, making the streets so muddy that people, horses, and carts got stuck.
Honestly, if we got stuck in the rut of "hi", "hello", "how are you?" and "what's going on?", you will fail to give the afraid to ask more personal questions.
Honestly, if we got stuck in the rut of "hi", "hello", "how are you?" and "what's going on?" you will fail to give the initial jolt to the conversation that's can make it so memorable.
Honestly, if we got stuck in the rut of “hi”, “hello”, “how are you?” and “what's going on?” you will fail to give the initial jolt to the conversation that's can make it so memorable.
Honestly, if we got stuck in the rut of "hi", "hello", "how are you?" and "what's going on?", you will fail to give the initial jolt to the conversation that's can make it so memorable.
For example, on one of my test systems it got stuck doing SCSI detection.
I told you they bounced, and I didn't like that, and then they got stuck again.
It got through the House by a mere seven votes and has got stuck in the Senate.
In particular, several journals got stuck on the fact that the paper doesn’t cite any references.
In particular, several journals got stuck on the fact that the paper doesn't cite any references.
The trail was wet and muddy and there were so many of us that the truck got stuck in the mud.
Remember getting to the hotel with about30 mins to get changed, but got stuck in the bathroom.
Having got that out of they way, we got stuck into discussing the future of the operating system.
Today, at school, I got stuck in the elevator and was about to panic before I remembered I had my phone.
And then they started looking at why did it fail to start? Oh this thing got stuck because somebody painted it.
Some got stuck in overcrowded side streets and could not even see the screens, but managed with oral accounts.
Weller was once a stranded motorist himself. Driving in an Illinois blizzard when he was 16, he got stuck in a snowdrift.
But engineers who for one reason or another did not want to move forward got stuck at their current level of abstraction.
But it got stuck in its core competence of traditional film products and missed the rise of digital photography and printing.
He's now resting at the Coachella Valley Animal Campus in Thousand Palms, but how he got stuck and for how long remains a mystery.
Today, after my girlfriend of 2 years left me for another guy, I got stuck in an elevator for 3 hours. With both of them. FML.
When a Wolf was eating an animal, a small bone from the meat got stuck in his throat. He could not swallow it, so he felt a terrible pain.
Amtrak suspended service between Philadelphia and Harrisburg, Pa., and one train from Chicago to Boston got stuck overnight in Palmer, Mass.
Amtrak suspended service between Philadelphia and Harrisburg, Pa., and one train from Chicago to Boston got stuck overnight in Palmer, Mass.