Allocating interrupt requests (IRQs) to devices may actually be a useful service, because it allows the OS to just grab a list of devices and start running, without having to program them.
If you're aspiring to become a blogger or writer of any kind, you can grab a laptop, put on some music and start writing while sitting on the train or bus.
Dips, grains, marinated and cooked vegetables, stuffed leaves, fried pastries and salads…grab some flat bread and start dunking and scooping.
Then you mentally leave that task and start thinking about heading to the store to grab something for dinner, picking up your son from school, and oh yeah, you should call Sally.
Then grab your camera and start shooting your way to great pictures. Look your subject in the eye
To start the process, grab a pencil and draw several, small empty boxes to serve as your browser chrome, page bounds or whatever medium you happen to be working in.
In fact, I bet that most of them would be enthusiastic to grab the new phone and start having some fun with it instead of having to use products from the competition.
During the interview, try to start off with a large picture and grab the hints given by the interviewer and keep narrowing the scope down and nail the problem!
Grab a pen and a piece of paper and start putting down your thoughts on paper.
Start by selecting the latest version of tapestry 4.0, which as of this writing is tapestry-4.0-beta-12.tar.gz (Windows users, grab equivalent).
先选择最新的tapestry 4.0版,编写这篇文章时是tapestry- 4.0 -beta - 12 . tar .gz (Windows用户请选择. zip文件)。
Now that you understand what all those Settings are for, grab your camera and start experimenting!
You've got to grab the head or whatever you can get hold of and start dragging it out.
We show upat our workplaces, grab our coffee, and start pecking away at our inboxes, starting with the first unopened emails -- those sent at 6 a. m. or so.
Usually this would be my cue to grab my phone and start my morning Internet routine: Check work email. Check Facebook. Check Instagram.
But to grab someone for buying a computer somewhere and start threatening him with prison, is complete nonsense, simply ridiculous.
If there is a computer malfunction, they are inclined to grab the mouse and take over the keyboard so they can start "trying things out" right away to fix the problem.
Grab a cup of coffee and run is how many of us start our day, putting ourselves under stress straight away.
Grab a whole-wheat muffin or slice of toast with a scrambled egg and cup of berries for a breakfast that'll jump-start your gray matter.
It has a distinct advantage that you can easily "grab" the draw if you start to slip, and that you can use the pull on the draw to bring up slack out of the rope.
The atmosphere outside the swimming pool at the OAKA stadium complex was electric as the fans dashed in the grab the last few seats just before the start of the much awaited race.
The next time that you are both in the kitchen grab one another and start dancing to your favorite song.
The next time that you are both in the kitchen grab one another and start dancing to your favorite song.