She had good grades and could read above grade level, but she did not like to read.
The goal is to help all children read at or above grade level by the end of 3nd grade.
The goal is to help all children read at or above grade level by the end of 3rd grade.
Her math skills are outstanding, and she far exceeds first grade level standards in this area.
This year, the kids are pretty good, but I've had kids that read at third - and fourth-grade level.
At the 5th grade level, girls routinely outperform boys in every subject, including math and science.
The study showed that:the number of students with learning difficulties will increase with grade level.
The accuracy of the athlete pedal of long jump do not get the influence of athlete grade level normally.
The low density ablative materials studied here have basically reached the space grade level as a result.
But the computer didn't intimidate her, and in one semester, she'd begun to read at her proper grade level.
Articles, which will vary in subject and content by grade level, will be distributed by classroom teachers.
The student may be asked to take a standardized test given by the school to determine the appropriate grade level.
The articles, which will vary in subject and content by grade level, will be distributed by the classroom teachers.
If the kids do not come in with their math, English, or reading skills at grade level, there's only so much you can do.
Living Spaces are maximized with a sub-grade level to maintain a low profile roof line and provide an airy and open plan.
At the fourth - and eighth-grade level, scores were broken out by individual states, and results showed regional variations.
In 2002 less than 40% of students in grades three to eight (aged eight to 14) were reading and doing maths at their grade level.
For Abby, a breakthrough moment came at age 9: She started reading voraciously, and today reads well above the seventh-grade level.
"Regular school was not an option," says Bannon, "but I wanted to make sure she could go back at grade level if she quit gymnastics."
The cost of this process is low and fluoride content in the product is small, reaching feed-grade level and meeting HG2636-94 standard.
该工艺成本低,产品氟化物含量低,达到饲料级标准,符合HG2636- 94标准。
One of the saddest facts about my country is that there are a significant number of fourth grade students who cannot read at grade level.
It was great to see so many parents at the Course Selection Fair, Open House events, TED-X, and Grade Level parent meetings this semester.
我很高兴看到很多家长到校参加本学期的选课展、开放日活动、TED - X和各年级家长会。
At least one of each type of common area and amenity provided for use of residents and visitors is available at the accessible grade level.
Last year, for example, a fourth grader had to get 37 out of 70 possible points on the math test to reach level 3 (out of 4), or grade level.
Customized by grade level and topic, AAA math features explanations of various mathematical topics, practice problems and fun, challenging games.
Quality policy: Creating competitive products from fine details, Winning top-grade level from management, Gaining acceptance from insistent pursuance.
Quality policy: Creating competitive products from fine details, Winning top-grade level from management, Gaining acceptance from insistent pursuance.