One way to stanch inflation is to change the way the grade point average is calculated.
Unfortunately, her test scores and grade point average placed her in the middle of our pool.
Asian kids of America, you are more than your grade point average and your accomplishments on paper.
If you think that inflating your grade point average will get you the job, you may want to reconsider.
"It predicts how long you'll live, whether you'll stay married, your grade point average," Duckworth noted.
One day next month every student at Loyola Law School Los Angeles will awake to a higher grade point average.
I was carrying a 4.0 14 grade point average in my master's program, and expected to earn an a in this course, too.
The study sought to determine what affect a person's high school grade point average has on their future earnings.
In early 2008, a final exam to participate in Shunde District, second in the overall grade point average the region.
The average entering freshman in engineering should have achieved at least a 2·5 grade point average on a 4 scale in his or her high school.
Undergraduate Cumulative grade Point average (GPA) of 3.00 must be equivalent to "b" average in letter grade or higher, based on the USA grading system.
According to the book "the millionaire Mind," the median college grade point average for millionaires is 2.9, and the average SAT score is 1190 - hardly Harvard material.
For high school grade point average at around 75, the new TOEFL or IELTS score more than 86, 6.5 points above the high school graduates, can apply for the bachelor's degree.
In recognition of the fact that honors courses can be more demanding, many schools weight their honors courses in calculations of grade point average, scoring these classes slightly higher.
This car cost me $4, 000, I had worked full-time for the remainder of my freshman year (while maintaining a 4.0 grade point average ) in order to purchase this car and afford my very pricey insurance…
Teens in serious relationships did not differ from their abstinent counterparts in terms of their grade-point average, how attached they are to school or college expectations.
That being said, the company boasts an average 305 point increase on the SAT for grade 11 students.
mething like a 3.7 grade-point average, and made the dean's list every one of my four years.
大一的时候我努力学习,成绩优良,取得平均分3.7的成绩。。 而且大学四年每年都在院长奖励名单中。
On the test's 500-point scale, average fourth - and eighth-grade scores each increased three points since 2006.
Because the gaokao score is what matters to Chinese colleges, grade-point average seemed a secondary concern to students and parents.
They never branch out into tempting new areas, because they don't want to risk their grade - point average.
"They want you so they can reject you," says Mr. Stewart, a senior in Burnsville, Minn., who has a 3.5 grade-point average and scored a 27 (out of 36) on the ACT.
Ok - credibility, the friend that spotted it had like a four point zero grade average at a local college.
Ok - credibility, the friend that spotted it had like a four point zero grade average at a local college.