Society at large loses the added productivity contributed by a college graduate compared with someone who never earned a college degree.
I misspoke, he's not a Yale college graduate, he's a Yale Economics PhD; his undergraduate was from University of Wisconsin but he's been at Yale a very long time.
For the past four years, while specializing in accounting at college, I have had a secret ambition to work for your organization in the accounting department. I graduate in June.
If I was entering IT as a newly managed IT college graduate, I'd be looking at semantic systems and knowledge management as the hot fields to be getting into.
If you want, put in four years at a college (or more at a graduate school).
Another was a wife and mother who started drinking at 14 and turned to meth at 49. A third was a college graduate and licensed pilot who left home for months on end. All are felons.
Believed to be the 2nd oldest person to graduate from college, she plans to use her education to work as a docent at a museum.
Another was a wife and mother who started drinking at 14 and turned to meth at 49.a third was a college graduate and licensed pilot who left home for months on end.All are felons.
As an example of how valuable networking can be, a recent graduate I know just got a job offer from someone she had networked with at a college alumni event several months ago.
In other words, the study notes, at the peak of their earning power, the average worker with only a high school diploma earns only about as much as a college graduate one year out of school.
Now Tony ro, a neuroscientist at the City College of New York and the Graduate Center of the City University of New York, might have figured out the cause of this synesthesia.
80% have attended at least some college and are slightly more likely to have received a Graduate degree than the rest of the iPhone user base.
Eighty percent have attended at least some college and are slightly more likely to have received a Graduate degree than the rest of the iPhone user base.
Had studied art education at the College of Xiamen University, from 2003 to 2005 studied at the Central Academy of Fine Arts Painting Department, a graduate course on the mural.
At 22, the average college graduate earns about 70% more than the average person with a high school degree only.
In other words, the study notes, at the peak of their earning power, the average worker with only a high school diploma earns only about as much as a college graduate one year out of school.
For the past four years, while specializing in international trade at college, I have had a secret ambition to work for your organization. I will graduate in July this year.
Raised by adoptive parents who did not graduate from college, Jobs tinkered with electronics at a young age with his father, who worked as a mechanic and carpenter.
Trying to shift gears from his major, Yu spent much of his fourth year in college preparing for the entrance exam for a human-resources graduate degree at Renmin University.
He is a graduate in history from Trinity College Dublin and studied newspaper journalism at the University of Ulster, Belfast.
But the 24-year-old graduate student at the College of Precision Instruments, Tientsin University, believes that, rather than being a star student, he's grasped the right way to do things.
A. Flesh part: Mr. Mojie Wang this year 70 old, Graduate from "the Zhejiang fine arts college" at 1962. His achievement and willpower is speak for itself.
工笔部份:A。 人体部份:摩诘先生今年70高龄,1962年毕业于浙江美术学院,其工力是不言而喻了。
Cisneros did attend college, but instead of searching for a husband, she found a teacher who helped her join the famous graduate writing program at the University of Iowa.
Fengling was a graduate student at a college in Zhengzhou, where she worked as a pub hustler.
I am currently a student at college, I have over a month more to complete before I graduate. My major is business administration.
Undertake your MBA at Imperial College London and you become a graduate of one of thew...
It's why - at a time when women graduate from college at higher rates than men and are closing the wage gap - aren't young women more satisfied with their most intimate relationships?
That uncertainty is starting a trend on college campuses across the country, like here at the University of Chicago, where applications for graduate school are soaring.
A young college graduate earns 63% more than a high-school graduate if both work full-time—and the high-school graduate is much less likely to work at all.
A young college graduate earns 63% more than a high-school graduate if both work full-time—and the high-school graduate is much less likely to work at all.