I hope that I can get a decent job with a good salary after I graduate from college.
When students graduate from college, many of them do not know how they want to spend their working lives.
I know it is going to be harder when I graduate from college, but I'm not afraid.
Sadly, the increase in the proportion of Americans who graduate from college has slowed.
It's much easier this time, with Skype and email and a daughter about to graduate from college.
But I went to Harvard. Where did you go to school? You didn't even graduate from college, dude.
As a graduate from college, I have said goodbye to the timing of the confusing, found the self.
When they graduate from college, they need to get many job interviews to pick out the favorite job.
It appears to take young people longer to graduate from college, settle into careers and buy their first homes.
Believed to be the 2nd oldest person to graduate from college, she plans to use her education to work as a docent at a museum.
Are you getting ready to graduate from college or considering a career change? Do you need a little help in getting started?
Up to a third of students with ADHD drop out of high school, and they're also less likely to attend and graduate from college.
But these days young Americans are considerably less likely than young people in many other countries to graduate from college.
I just want my parents to experience the joy of watching their daughter graduate from college a dream they thought could come true.
Typically, says Elliott Witney, the head of the academy, only about 7% of students from low-income families graduate from college;
Maybe they just want to make me realize the situation in advance, so that I won't feel too much depressed when I graduate from college.
After they graduate from college, many of these young people want nothing more than a good job with a big firm, and a home somewhere in suburbia.
I will go further learning after graduate from college. I plan to go abroad to pursue my graduate study, which would be beneficial to my teaching.
I will graduate from college in July of this year and I have heard that perhaps you might need an accountant. I would like to apply for the position.
I will graduate from college in July of this year and I have heard that perhaps you might need an accountant. I would like to apply for the position.
It is said that most young people leave their parents and move out when they graduate from college, since then, they have less time to visit their parents.
The reason for this question is the reality that for most of you, once you graduate from college and begin your career, you will either manage or be managed.
Many students graduate from college in the expectation that they can soon land jobs after their own hearts; but in most cases things go contrary to their wishes.
Their number is more than the women who will "graduate from college, receive a diagnosis of cancer, or file for divorce", according to economist Elizabeth Warren.
Raised by adoptive parents who did not graduate from college, Jobs tinkered with electronics at a young age with his father, who worked as a mechanic and carpenter.
Blacks are less likely to graduate from college than whites with the same family income, but the gap disappears if you compare families with the same income and net worth.
Blacks are less likely to graduate from college than whites with the same family income, but the gap disappears if you compare families with the same income and net worth.