Graduate students will also be expected to make substantial contributions to class discussions.
Graduate students will be expected to do most of the recommended as well as the assigned readings.
Mathematical techniques beyond the usual preparation of first-year graduate students will be introduced as a part of the course.
According to the plan of China's Ministry of Education, 50 thousand graduate students will receive their Ph. d. degrees by the year 2010, the number ranking first in the world.
If students learn another language and study other cultures, they will be more global-ready when they graduate.
Students themselves, however, may not realize that when they graduate, they will be competing in a global labor market, and universities need to raise awareness of these issues amongst undergraduates.
Dear students, you will graduate from your school soon.
To become a member of our volunteers, you must be the students who will graduate from junior middle school this year, and apply for it before June 23.
Will my students be able to work as part of a software development team when they graduate?
Zhang Yi, High School Graduate, said, "We all hope students will have more chances in the future."
I always laugh to myself when new graduate students think they know what they want to work on and what they will write about for their dissertations.
This month, as thousands of freshmen and graduate students flock to colleges to begin a new academic year, many will be leaving home, some for the first time.
As young faculty in top American universities (many already have tenure), their work will influence coming generations of graduate students.
Only those students from abroad who have graduate status by American standards and whose academic record is excellent will be considered for admission.
Good graduate teaching will help make a difference where it matters most. It will improve the lives of universities' least powerful citizens: their graduate students.
If the graduate students put too much hope on it, it will influence their efficiency of finding other jobs.
Some students who are buy with their own majors should not choose the double degree, they will be lose both majors if they are not capable, then they can't graduate.
Among the university students who will graduate soon, some wish to go to their hometown to work, and others volunteer to work in the underdeveloped areas.
With the development of syncretism of global economy, more and more overseas universities will recruit our graduate students and share our education resources.
It's a newly launched major, explains Meng. Her department has less than 100 students, who will work as golf coaches and golf club managers once they graduate.
It is quite common that graduate students with higher education background will be more popular among job market than college students.
If they decide to go to graduate school, there will be relatively more financial aid options, especially for PhD students.
This paperback edition will again target students of physics, astrophysics and cosmology at the advanced undergraduate level or early graduate level.
Bachelor: Study load can be extended from four to six years. Students will receive Graduate Certificate and Degree Certificate after getting requested credits and finishing academic dissertation.
The number of candidates from Beijing is 32563, among them over 4000 being college students who will graduate in 2010.
The number of candidates from Beijing is 32563, among them over 4000 being college students who will graduate in 2010.