Fittingly, Mr Morse was in the Graham Greene room.
Graham Greene is one of the most outstanding British writers in the 20th century.
The British writer 4 Graham Greene once said that every writer had to have a chip of ice in their heart.
British novelist Graham Greene was quite good at writing middle-sized fictions and won the prestige in the world.
APART from featuring in a couple of novels by Graham Greene, Paraguay has rarely attracted the attention of outsiders.
除了在Graham Greene的几本小说中出现之外,巴拉圭很少引起外人的注意。
"Perhaps if I wanted to be understood or to understand I would bamboozle myself into belief, but I am a reporter" (Graham Greene).
Grouchy Graham Greene mocked her as "a complete totsy", but no one watching her five different expressions while eating a forkful of spinach in "Poor Little Rich Girl" doubted that she could act.
对此不满的格雷厄姆•格林(Graham Greene)讽刺她“完全是个小丫头”,不过只要看到她在《可怜的富家小女孩》中用叉子吃菠菜的丰富表情,没有人会质疑她的演技。
Grouchy Graham Greene mocked her as "a complete totsy", but no one watching her five different expressions while eating a forkful of spinach in "Poor Little Rich Girl" doubted that she could act.
对此不满的格雷厄姆•格林(Graham Greene)讽刺她“完全是个小丫头”,不过只要看到她在《可怜的富家小女孩》中用叉子吃菠菜的丰富表情,没有人会质疑她的演技。