China is the biggest country for it's population in the world, and it's a big grain produce and consumption country.
They were discussed the application of 3 main grains and their process by - product in feed processing and the effects of grain produce and process on feed process.
This would raise the prices not only of products made directly from grain, such as bread, pasta and breakfast cereals, but also of meat, milk and eggs, which take large quantities of grain to produce.
The environmental equation of tracking animal production from feed to table goes like this: to produce a kilogram of beef, farmers have to feed a cow 15kg of grain and 30kg of forage.
That, in turn, has helped to squeeze the world's supply of grain, since it takes about six pounds of animal feed to produce a pound of meat.
It takes around seven pounds (3.4 kilograms) of grain to produce a pound of meat, and around three to four pounds of grain to produce a pound of cheese or eggs, experts told AFP.
The city was established in 1580 on the Rio de la Plata, or "river of silver, " and its merchants grew rich not from ore but from trading beef, grain, and produce grown on the surrounding Pampas.
The Leeds and Liverpool Canal, Britain's longest man-made waterway, was constructed between 1770 and 1816 and carried coal, limestone, wool, cotton, grain and other farm produce.
That grain requires fertiliser, which is energy-intensive to produce.
A ten-acre vineyard will produce only a bath of wine, a Homer of seed only an ephah of grain.
Extremely fine sections are then planed to produce the end-grain veneers, which are backed with paper and applied as a decorative element to utensils.
And of course, there is cow flatulence: as cattle digest grass or grain, they produce methane gas, of which they expel up to 200 L a day.
Farmers had two roles: first, to produce as much grain as possible for urban consumption, however ruinously low the prices; second, to provide cheap Labour to the cities.
The fields would produce grain and the forests would supply lumber for their houses.
Modern rice plants produce two to three times more grain than was possible before the nineteen sixties. But they also require large amounts of water, chemical fertilizers and pesticides.
Grain reserves are abundant. Staple agricultural produce is in sufficient supply.
It takes 1 000-3 000 litres of water to produce just one kilo of rice and 13 000 to 15 000 litres to produce one kilo of grain-fed beef.
Yet the conversion of grass or grain to meat is nutritionally inefficient: it takes 10kg of feed to produce 1kg of beef.
Chemical graining: the lithographic plate surface is etched to produce a fine grain by the application of a strong acid or alkali solution.
The old Indian Agent would tell us how much grain, wood, fence posts and other goods we could produce and provide for our families.
Researchers say it will produce at least as much grain as other rice plants but with fewer inputs.
After a while the farmers could produce surpluses, at least in good times, and the various products of the villagers-grain, meat, cloth, pots-could be exchanged.
After a while the farmers could produce surpluses, at least in good times, and the various products of the villagers-grain, meat, cloth, pots-could be exchanged.