Only users with SYSADM or DBADM authority can grant and revoke these authorities.
You can also control access to stored procedures through GRANT and REVOKE statements.
She can grant and revoke even CSR Supervisor roles in the stores that she administers.
Database authorities are granted using the standard SQL grant and REVOKE statements.
The setmqaut command is used to grant and revoke authorizations just as it always has for queues, but with a few new options.
Be sure that you check, enforce, grant, and revoke permissions at runtime.
Look-up for existing users and groups as well as option buttons that perform actions to Grant all, Allow all, or Revoke all privileges are also provided for ease of use.
查找现有用户和组,以及用于对特权执行Grantall、Allow all或Revoke all操作的选项按钮也都受支持,可以方便地使用。
The syntax of the GRANT, REVOKE, and SET ROLE statements support this feature.
The grant statement allows an authorized user to grant these privileges and the REVOKE statement is used to remove them.
When yes is selected, a grant statement is generated; when no is selected, a revoke statement is generated; and when grant is selected, a grant statement with grant option is generated in the script.
当选择yes 后,将生成一个grant语句;当选择no 后,将生成一个revoke 语句;如果选择了 grant,那么将在脚本中生成一个带有 grant选项的 grant 语句。
When yes is selected, a grant statement is generated, when no is selected, a revoke statement is generated; and when grant is selected, a grant statement with grant option is generated in the script.
当选择yes 后,将生成一个grant语句;当选择no 后,将生成一个revoke 语句;如果选择了 grant,那么将在脚本中生成一个带有 grant选项的 grant 语句。
The grant all, allow all, and revoke all buttons are used to set all the values in the grid to grant, yes, or no, respectively.
grantall、allow all和revoke all按钮分别用来将表格中的所有值设置为 grant、yes或no。
You revoke or deny all permissions to underlying objects, such as tables, and grant EXECUTE permissions on stored procedures.
您可以撤销或拒绝基础物件 (例如资料表) 的所有权限,然后在预存程序上授与EXECUTE 权限。
You revoke or deny all permissions to underlying objects, such as tables, and grant EXECUTE permissions on stored procedures.
您可以撤销或拒绝基础物件 (例如资料表) 的所有权限,然后在预存程序上授与EXECUTE 权限。