Wine — and, in particular, red wine with its high concentration of the chemical resveratrol from the grape skin — is anti-cancer and pro-heart, at least in moderation.
According to dermatologist Leslie Baumann, red wine contains skin-friendly grape-seed extract and resveratrol, two powerful antioxidants.
Catawba - a spicy flavored, red slip-skin grape.
American and Italian researchers recently found that grape pulp extract (white wine) was equally effective in protecting rats from a heart attack as grape skin extract (red wine).
ABSTRACT: tannin, which comes from grape skin and grape PIP, is an acidic material and the soul of red wine. It build a large system for wines. Without tannin, red wine couldn't be wine.
In warm water bath, add 20 drops of essential oil, 85 grams of grape seed oil, 200 grams of haiyan and half bottle of red wine, bubble bath 20 minutes can greatly alleviate the skin damage.
Dry yeast: special high-grade red wine yeast, white wine special yeast, table wine yeast, grape skin pigment, wine tannin, oak products etc.
Dry yeast: special high-grade red wine yeast, white wine special yeast, table wine yeast, grape skin pigment, wine tannin, oak products etc.