Database diagrams graphically show the structure of the database.
More and more countries are fighting back by requiring that tobacco packages graphically show the dangers of tobacco, as called for in the WHO Framework Convention on tobacco Control.
Fuze understands and manages the files you post, including part, assembly, and drawing relationships, and can show these relationships graphically with its unique visual product structure tool.
Steve Jobs brought out developers from Epic Games to show off a 'Epic Sword,' a graphically impressive fantasy slasher they've been working on, and demonstrate how Game Center will work for you.
斯蒂夫·乔布斯将偕同epicGames公司的开发者来现场演示' epic之剑',一个正在开发的有不俗图像表现的砍杀游戏。并展示游戏中心的操作。
The apps show sea surface height, sea surface wind, areas of overfishing, oceanic currents, and other non-Google Earth projects that graphically illustrate Marine pollution.
这些应用可以显示洋面高度、海风、过度捕鱼的区域、洋流,以及显示海洋污染的非google Earth内容。
The apps show sea surface height, sea surface wind, areas of overfishing, oceanic currents, and other non-Google Earth projects that graphically illustrate Marine pollution.
这些应用可以显示洋面高度、海风、过度捕鱼的区域、洋流,以及显示海洋污染的非google Earth内容。