Under the control of the Sun's gravitational force, each planet maintains an elliptical orbit and all of them travel in the same direction.
the force, gravitational force, falls off as one over r squared.
Newton's law of gravity; Gravitational force from a shell; Hooke's 'law'.
This strong connection is like a gravitational force on a higher dimension.
So if we apply that concept, then we first have to know what is the gravitational force.
Thanks to Newton's universal law, we can figure out the gravitational force between any two objects.
The gravitational force acting on an object at the Earth's surface is called the weight of the object.
Newton's problem was to express in mathematical terms the gravitational force between different bodies.
In addition, the Bridges act as large diagonal trusses, which transfer gravitational force to the ground.
A Normally I write an "a" for it, but I make an exception now because gravity, I call it "gravitational force."
The Earth's gravitational force or pull keeps us and everything else on Earth from floating away to space.
When I'm here, gravitational potential energy ; increases in this way; the gravitational force is in this direction.
And there has to be here a force on the system, the gravitational force, which is the same as the centripetal force.
And so you see that the gravitational force due to the earth on a particular mass is linearly proportional with the mass.
In one direction there is a constant gravitational force, in the other very many irregular blows from the molecules.
And it's important conceptually because a lot of the forces are gradients of potentials, namely, gravitational force, electric force.
The gravitational force between two bodies or the result of smaller or larger orbiting objects the results of centrifugal force;
Gravitational field is a kind of vector field, and the description of gravitational force by general relativity is very effective.
"Cook Aims to Provide Jobs's 'Gravitational Force' at Apple," by Adam Satariano and Peter Burrows, Bloomberg Businessweek, Aug. 25, 2011.
When you are trying to get an idea to survive the gravitational force of operations, you need to preserve those windows of non-stimulation.
At this time the Suns gravitational force partially offsets the Moons gravitational force causing lower than normal tides called neap tides.
If we know the force — in this case, the spring force or in those cases, - the gravitational force — we were able to calculate the potential energy.
For those of us on Earth (basically all of us, ISS-crew excepted), the moon's gravitational force is most evident in the way it influences the tides.
Another key purpose that our moon serves is that its gravitational force stabilizes earths axis with respect to earths plane of orbit around the sun.
Obviously, borrowed soil sprayed on slope surface tends to slide or collapse under actions of rainwash, seepage, gravitational force, earthquake, etc.
This is the formula for a thick vertically faulted slab with such a large throw that the downthrow side makes no contribution to the gravitational force.
This is the formula for a thick vertically faulted slab with such a large throw that the downthrow side makes no contribution to the gravitational force.