If you want to know, go west to the great, gray-green, greasy Limpopo River.
Sedum Morganianum's overlapping gray-green or gray-blue leaves can grow up to 3 feet (91.4 cm) long.
If there was a particular shade of color common to the sickly lot presently resisting her, she'd call it gray-green.
Eurasian herb having loose heads of button-shaped white flowers and long gray-green leaves that cause sneezing when powdered.
Picture of life, the occasional gray add together, you do not presage the decline, it is important to extract the gray-green hope.
The melody of the song was the gray-green waters and the little scuttling animals and the clouds of fish that flitted by and were gone.
The upper member of the Lujiaping Formation is mainly dark slate, light gray-green (after weathering) sericitized slate, and silt slate.
After many days he came to the great, gray-green, greasy Limpopo River, but he did not know what the crocodile looked like or where to find him.
Little Elephant went on along the bank of the great gray-green, greasy Limpopo River until he stepped on what he thought was a log, but it was the crocodile.
Little Elephant went on along the bank of the great gray-green, greasy Limpopo River until he stepped on what he thought was a log, but it was the crocodile.
Mexican epiphytic orchid with glaucous gray-green leaves and lemon - to golden-yellow flowers appearing only partially opened; sometimes placed in genus Cattleya.
Sanford, 47, a frank, blade-thin woman with gray-green eyes, black suede high-heeled boots and a cuff bracelet made from the skin of an alligator shot by her eldest son.
她穿着翻皮高跟长靴,戴着一条皮质手链。 这条手链是由她的大儿子所射杀的一条鳄鱼的皮制成的。
From afar, like a gray-green sea, but not the hills, but no trees, birds and animals disappeared, human barren, there is no village, no roads, things north and south, boundless.
This here's a new bit, and he touched a shoot which looked brownish green instead of hard, dry gray.
For example, a gray square will tend to look greenish when surrounded by red, and reddish when it is surrounded by green.
Away from the lake's sapphire-hued waters, the land appears as a combination of gray, brown, and green.
Green hats are surprisingly versatile. They look best with tan or light brown suits. But they also accent black, green, and gray suits very nicely.
Do I launch my new site with a green and gray color scheme or with a green and brown one?
The valley is checkered with green farm fields and dotted with gray cities and towns.
The most densely developed areas appear white and gray, while suburban areas appear grayish green-a mixture of houses, streets, and lawns.
Symptoms like itching, a strong odor, or a change in color (such as to brown, gray, or green) indicate that a girl may have a vaginal infection and needs to see a doctor.
He used 8 colors in his color therapy, red, yellow, green, blue, violet, brown, gray and black.
'Uncheckt shadows of green brown and gray,' poet John Clare wrote of the moors, land that 'never felt the rage of blundering plough.'
‘漫漫无尽的褐绿和暗灰阴影’,这是诗人约翰·克莱尔(John Clare)笔下的荒野,一片‘永不会体会到犁靶愤怒闯入’的土地。
This icon is green when users are online and gray when they are not. To enable Peopleawareness for names, add the following attribute to the IDCmpnt tag.
This function can use a variety of different parameters (to define a gray value, or a Red-Green-Blue [RGB] color).
此函数可以使用各种不同的参数(来定义一个灰度值或Red - Green - Blue [rgb]颜色)。
Many of them have been protected as parks or non-residential development, such as ball fields, and so they stand out as green circles of vegetation against the surrounding gray and white cityscape.
The whitey-gray of the alkali-patches, the brown of the dry earth, and the rusty green of the sagebrush filled the foreground, melting in the distance into a purple-gray.
The whitey-gray of the alkali-patches, the brown of the dry earth, and the rusty green of the sagebrush filled the foreground, melting in the distance into a purple-gray.