In this paper, a edge detection algorithm for gray-scale image is presented.
Then a vertical edge matching based algorithm recognizes license-plate from input gray-scale image.
MFC gray-scale image processing, including open display, filtering, binarization, histogram, geometric transformations, etc.
In this paper, a simple algorithm based on noise-located is presented to remove salt and pepper noise from gray-scale image.
A nonlinear filtering algorithm was presented to remove salt and pepper noise from gray-scale image while preserving details.
Encryption matrixes and replacement matrixes are being generated by using the chaotic mapping via parameter perturbation, and then the gray-scale image is encrypted.
Fingerprint image pre-processing has five parts: filtration in gray-scale image, binarization, filtration in binary image, thinning and filtration in thinning image.
For traditional watermarking techniques based on fractal coding, watermarking format is limited to binary sequence 0, 1, thus incapable of gray-scale image embedding.
Two kinds of modified general morphological correlation is studied. The gray-scale image is decomposed into a set of binary image slices in certain decomposition method.
The research of the character image pre-processing focuses on the gray-scale image filtering algorithm, the skew detection of image and character segmentation algorithm;
MFC to achieve a variety of gray-scale image point operations, such as anti-color images, the window transform, linear transformation, threshold transform, gray balance, etc.
说明:MF C实现灰度图像的各种点运算,如图像反色,窗口变换,线性变换,阈值变换,灰度均衡等。
The authors introduced the basic concepts and properties of soft mathematical morphology applicable to gray-scale image and performed edge detection processing for the IR image of a ship by MATLAB.
This includes converting between image formats, such as converting a JPEG image to PNG, as well as converting from color to gray scale, dithering, and similar operations.
Traditional histogram equalization and gray-scale transformation algorithms can't realize the enhancement of the target in the infrared image effectively.
The gray scale projection algorithm is a key technique for detecting motion vector of image sequential frames and realize electronic image stabilization.
The gray scale projection algorithm can detect motion vector of image sequential frames in electronic image stabilization.
Many methods are used to finish VCH planar image processing, including image geometry transform, gray-scale enhancement format transition and compression , image registration and segmentation.
An infrared image processing solution is proposed. It USES bi-threshold method to segment image and enhance the image with segmentation gray scale transform method.
The problem of gray scale image matchng based on absolute difference magnanimity is discussed.
Detail is abundant in MRI image and the trifle difference in the gray scale denotes different structure.
An image processing method is used into the driving circuit, and the image luminance uniformity and gray-scale reproduction quality are improved, the sample power consume is also reduced.
The use of image denoising, gray-scale transformation, histogram equalization, and uneven background correction techniques make the image more easily processed and analyzed.
The image reconstruction algorithm based on RBF neural networks uses RBF networks to build the mapping relationship between the capacitance value and the image gray-scale value.
On the basis of fuzzy enhancement gray scale linear transformation is used to improve image enhancement result further.
The traditional image enhancement approaches include gray-scale transformation, histogram modification, histogram equalization, image smoothing and Wiener filtration.
To ensure the location accuracy of edge and minimize false edge points produced by noise and uneven gray scale in image is a difficult problem for edge detection.
The method of enhancing the cell image includes gray-scale transformation, histogram modification, image smoothing and image sharpening etc.
A fast skeletonization algorithm directly for gray-scale patterns is presented in this paper by simulating the procedure of water scouring the image surfaces.
Owing to the difficulties in extracting iris edge image, a new iris location algorithm using geometric symmetry feature and edge detection from gray scale image is presented.
Owing to the difficulties in extracting iris edge image, a new iris location algorithm using geometric symmetry feature and edge detection from gray scale image is presented.