She poured some water into a plastic bowl. Faust, her Great Dane, lapped it up with relish.
Who amongst us hasn't seen a Great Dane trotting across Broadway and said: Where on Earth is that thing going home to?
February 2, 2010: a harlequin Great Dane named 'Giant George' is the current Guinness World Record holder.
Great Danes have a leg up on other breeds in most dog categories for "biggest." so it shouldn't come as a surprise that a Great Dane also holds the record for the longest tail.
Compare the petite Chihuahua with the daunting Great Dane, or the lithe greyhound to the poofy Pomeranian.
Claire DE Lune, our silver and black mottled Great Dane, always accompanies me, a few paces ahead and slightly off to one side.
克莱尔,一条银色和黑色相间的大丹犬(Great Dane)始终陪伴着我。它时而走我前面几十步开外,时而轻快地跑到我的一边。
The people became enthusiastic about genetics and tried to improve the breed and they began to mix native caucasians with the german shepherd and great dane .
Barcelona is a team that is always going to create chances, " said the Dane "But I think we had a great gameplan and it worked well.
Ilya, aged two and half, runs alongside Great Dane Shane, who weighs more than 10 stone - plus a Daschund who may have an inferiority complex.
Gracie was a deaf and partially blind albino Great Dane with a delicate constitution and a penchant for small miracles.
Meisy ', the Great Dane was expecting four puppies. But to the shock of owners Meicy gave birth to 15 puppies, enduring 20 hours of labor.
Ilya, aged two and half, runs alongside Great Dane Shane, who weighs more than 10 stone - plus a Daschund who may have an inferiority complex.
When friends asked him in the summer to take photographs of their Great Dane with their two-year-old daughter Alice, he met them in a park - and the idea for the book was born.
Gibson is a Great Dane and Boo Boo is a Chihuahua dog.
Bob buys a Great Dane and teaches it to use the bathroom in Bill's yard.
Bob buys a Great Dane and teaches it to use the bathroom in Bill "s yard."
The bartender was surprised, "What kind of dog can kill a Great Dane? And without much noise?"
The bartender was surprised, "What kind of dog can kill a Great Dane? And without much noise?"