After hanging up, I realized I hadn't had such a great conversation in a long time.
Traveling can create amazing memories and it serves as a great conversation starter.
I always think that a great conversation should be made up of equal sharing by both parties.
We ended up having a really great conversation and neither one of us ever had to raise our voice.
This is a great conversation to get people talking about their favorite local hangouts, which puts everyone at ease.
Source: Robert M. Hutchins, "The Tradition of the West. " The Great Conversation: The Substance of a Liberal Education.
Talking about the weather is such a great conversation starter because it is something that affects everyone around you.
I think it was phrased as something like, 'Do you ever listen to someone complaining and think, This is a great conversation!
换句话说,“你有没有听别人抱怨,然后想,恩,这次的谈话可真棒!” ?
I think it was phrased as something like, \ \ 'Do you ever listen to someone complaining and think, This is a great conversation!
If you've ever lost an afternoon to a great conversation, or gotten so sucked into a work project when everything else goes away, that's flow.
It's so frustrating when you're in the middle of a great conversation or work groove, and you realize, "Oh, I've got an appointment. I've got to bolt."
Do you have a favorite local restaurant? This is a great conversation to get people talking about their favorite local hangouts, which puts everyone at ease.
OWA 2010 gives you the option of showing calendars side-by-side, and there's a great conversation view that makes the Inbox much easier to digest (see Figure 4).
OWA 2010可让您选择显示行事历的并排,还有很棒的对话检视,让[收件匣]更容易摘要式(请参阅[图4])。
And its a fabulous event to just meet and talk to these people who make things and are there to just show them to you and talk about them and have a great conversation.
I felt closer to my colleagues, more relaxed from the great conversation and the Scotch, and I felt good about working at a place that allows employees to take a prudent drink now and then.
Pronouncements made Ex Cathedra do not have any great effect on the conversation - unless the individual making the pronouncement is greatly trusted, and is willing to engage in conversation.
It simply must happen gradually. It must be cared for, and hosted; it takes time and people with great communication skills to set the tone and tend the conversation.
Our elders were in every way at a great distance from us, in their dress and food, living and doing, conversation and amusement.
In the five minutes or so that remain, let's just talk for a moment about the first conversation Cephalus We don't need to look at this at great length.
剩下五分钟左右,我们来谈一下,第一场与男家长,的对话,with,the, head, of, the, family, Cephalus。,我们不会整篇看完。
For enthusiasts conversation is an art, one of the great pleasures of life, even the basis of civilised society.
These are free or mostly free sites and thus, in effect, part of "the" conversation, because they are already part of a great many conversations.
"We can do a great service to the youth and parents of America by telling them to stop obsessing about choosing a college," she wrote recently in The Conversation blog.
And if you learn that person shares an interest with you, say, a love of a sports team or hobby, that's great knowledge you can use to start a conversation.
Last Blood's peculiar Armageddon co-op is one that makes for great bar conversation (trust me), without dumbing down an entire genre as a Tuesday night antidote to AMC's latest zombie hit.
Linton did not appear to remember what she talked of; and he had evidently great difficulty in sustaining any kind of conversation.
Great brilliance, fantastic powers of recall and quick wit are clearly valuable in sustaining conversation at these cosmic levels.
Great brilliance, fantastic powers of recall and quick wit are clearly valuable in sustaining conversation at these cosmic levels.