The consummation in design theory and the application of design method will bring great economic benefit.
In iron smelting and steel-making, great economic benefit can be realized by lowering the content of silicon in steel pig.
Meanwhile the great economic benefit and practical significance in developing air negative-ion textile can be achieved, new…
The modeling results have been applied successfully into color TV tube glass production and great economic benefit has been achieved.
The technology can reduce the volume of power supply equipment, improve its working efficiency and generate the great economic benefit.
This method was applied to the optimization of operation plan for high-pressure injection system of an oilfield. A great economic benefit has been gained.
The character, performance and work principle of return ventilation is approached. It is good to use in Gushan coal mine and great economic benefit has made.
Water injection is the widest used method for raising oil recovery ratio. Seismic monitor of water injection will bring great economic benefit to oil industries.
Through application of alkali-remove regeneration used in water disposal system of the power plant, it reduces corrupt of the boiler, ensure its safty operation, and gain great economic benefit.
The used material is available, no special processing or assembly requirement is required, and the invention is easily to be promoted and applied and has great economic benefit and social benefit.
The results show that the combustion efficiency is over 97%, the combustion temperature can be adjusted flexible and system operation is safe and reliable. There is great economic benefit and env...
Great technical and economic benefit were obtained by applying it to the main drive of rolling mills in Nippon steel and Baosteel.
Gas load forecast has great influence on the planning, operation and control of gas system and has obvious economic benefit.
And the system has brought our army the independent security in the landing of Russian pattern fighters, with a great military and economic benefit.
The use of combat simulator equipment brings great defense and economic benefit, and the software is the key point to combat simulation.
Swine colibacillosis has great influence to the normal growth of piglets, which has been related to survival rate of piglets and economic benefit of swine rearing.
It will bring, about great economic and social benefit to us in pace with it spreaded and applyed.
The paper discusses the excellent condition of damming, advanced technical economic index, great economic and social benefit of Long Tan Hydropower Station.
It is shown by tests that the developed flow-controlled forming technology can save materials, improve efficiency and quality, and has great technical and economic benefit.
The energy conservation and consumption reduction in the coalmine enterprises possesses great EP benefit, economic benefit and social benefit.
Some application in refinery industry and agriculture are used for illustrating a fact that a great economic and social benefit can be obtained from the NIR technique's applications in various area.
Strengthening currencies has great significance to guarantee the normal economic operation of enterprise group and improve the economic benefit.
The process is simple, power consumption is lower, metal recovery can be 98 %, economic benefit is great.
该工艺简单、能耗低、金属回收率可达98% .且经济效益显著。
The change in the development system can have great impact on the mining, safety, mine look and economic benefit of the production shaft.
So to design a reasonable line control program of the second ring road will bring a great economic and societal benefit.
The harmonic affects the safe operation and economic benefit of power supply enterprises to great extent.
The application of GPS developed rapidly in China . In a few years, the wide implements of GPS have changed people's working ways, and take us great benefit in economic .
Gathering network planning is highly nonlinear, so how to optimize gathering network and build the model to improve its economic benefit are of great significance.
Gathering network planning is highly nonlinear, so how to optimize gathering network and build the model to improve its economic benefit are of great significance.