If you price the analysis well, it can be a great tool for getting your foot in the door and showing the new client the benefits of your services.
Great for sharing links and leaving your comments just for your Facebook friends to see, Zingr is a snarky new tool we think some of you might enjoy.
Version 3 is the refinement of this tool with astounding new features in conjunction with a great collaborative community aspect.
These explain the technology; core features, applications, and usage of a specific tool — great for new product introductions.
But I, like many, believe social media is just a new tool that's making PR more effective - and weeding out the truly great PR executives from the not-so-great.
That way you can easily see how the div elements are laid out on the screen — a great tool when you are developing a new site.
Reading is a great tool to change the way you think and open your mind up to new solutions.
On the contrary, it strengthens your creative abilities and is a great tool for new and Remodeling your world and life.
This shows that the HEMA has great potential to provide a new and powerful tool for the analysis of time series.
TED-Ed dis both a great tool for educators to create engaging lessons and a brilliant library of educational materiel for anyone who wants to learn something new.
The study of artificial life will help to reveal the essence and origin of life. It provides a new important tool to research biology and has great scientific significance.
The great changes of living environments require new management theory and strong management tool to redesign their business processes objectively.
The study results about structure of the aging hardening high speed steel have been obtained. This paper is of great importance in developing a new series of tool steels.
Thanks. Logaster is good, great user friendly tool & efficient service. Will sure use Logaster in future when I need logos for new brands.
Thanks. Logaster is good, great user friendly tool & efficient service. Will sure use Logaster in future when I need logos for new brands.