Most of the excess heat trapped by greenhouse gasses like carbon dioxide ends up in the oceans.
Carbon dioxide and other greenhouse gasses then resulting in the trap heat, resulting in warming of our atmosphere.
Outside, it can alter monsoon cycles, speed glacial melting, and almost equal the impact of longer-term greenhouse gasses.
China, by far the world's biggest emitter of greenhouse gasses, is aiming to reach a peak in carbon emissions by 2030.
Globally, Mexico may rank as high as ninth place with respect to the international production of greenhouse gasses (Liverman 1992.72).
But despite these impressive Numbers, China's push to clean its air and reduce its greenhouse gasses faces pressure from coal industry.
Processing tar sands produces a high concentration of greenhouse gasses and can generate toxic waste products that pose an environmental risk.
China surpassed the United States a decade ago as the world's biggest emitter of greenhouse gasses, and now discharges about twice as much.
Global warming results from the burning of fossil fuels, such as petroleum products, resulting in the release of greenhouse gasses into the atmosphere.
Deforestation contributes approximately 25% of all global greenhouse gasses, nearly double the 14% that transportation and industry sectors each contribute.
It may lead to finger-pointing and blame, as the wealthier nations tend to use more energy and emit more greenhouse gasses such as CO2 into the atmosphere.
Considering that recent models indicate greenhouse gasses are going to be a long-term atmospheric issue to clean up after, this news comes as a bresh of fresh air.
China argues that because rich countries had contributed the bulk of greenhouse gasses during their industrialization, they should foot the bill for cleaning up.
Canada will become the first country to formally withdraw from Kyoto, which it says is badly flawed because it does not cover all major emitters of greenhouse gasses.
But they've found that the oceans have in fact been warming at a rate that corresponds with how much heat scientists think has been trapped by greenhouse gasses.
I have to wonder: Do current estimates of potential reductions in greenhouse gasses take into account the extent to which broadband might reduce commuting and global travel for business?
Thinking holistically, product lifestyles and their environmental impact: Each table gets a product and has to identify all stages at which the 3 main greenhouse gasses are produced.
Thinking holistically, product lifestyles and their environmental impact: Each table gets a product and has to identify all stages at which the 3 main greenhouse gasses are produced.