Expectations grew, as candidates not only needed to say the right thing, but also look the part.
Any seasoned IT professional undoubtedly has stories to tell about projects that grew so much in scope to ultimately incur costs and resources far exceeding even the most prudent expectations.
European markets had equally high expectations, especially with new figures showing the U.S. economy grew at a slower pace than initial estimates in the first half of this year.
Output grew by 5.3% in the fourth quarter of 2008, compared with the same quarter a year ago, its slowest pace for four years. The figure was well below expectations.
It is also found that the money supply was endogenous, i. e., it grew with almost the same speed as that of the inflation expectations.
The U. S. economy grew by three-point-two percent, outstripping analysts' expectations.
"Of the Republic of memories of 60 years (he grew up marked)" Brief Introduction: This situation had time passing, where have listened to the Voice of the people's expectations.
"Of the Republic of memories of 60 years (he grew up marked)" Brief Introduction: This situation had time passing, where have listened to the Voice of the people's expectations.