Appearance: grey white, free flowing, free from harmful substances and foreign matters.
Organic hydrophilic foil surface is sky blue, inorganic hydrophilic foil is grey white or sub-white.
Yellow, which seems sick and neurotic, is burning and boiling against the dark red, grey blue and grey white.
Properties Grey white or light yellow powders, soluble in benzene, alcohol and ethyl acetate, insoluble in water, somewhat soluble in gasoline.
They look like low-lying, white or grey buttes, long, narrow hills with flat tops, barely a meter high.
Jessica wore a simple grey cardigan, a white T-shirt, a pair of grey jeans, a pair of flat shoes and a blue silk scarf.
White matter is more connected with a person's language skills, while grey matter is connected to our ability to solve math problems.
Larger volumes of white and grey matter in those parts might lead to better working memory and less inattentiveness.
The findings show that long term exposure to greenness is positively associated with white and grey matter volumes in several parts of the brain.
The floor was tiled in squares of grey and white marble.
They are likely to come with larger volumes of white and grey matter in certain areas of the brain.
Studies have shown that air pollution has a great effect on the white matter in the brain, but not the grey matter.
All the houses with grey roofs and white walls were built during the Ming and Qing Dynasties.
Now we could see the grey sand of a beach, and the spare white limbs of trees on the foreshore, gaunt survivors of the desiccating effects of wind and sun.
Black, grey and white are the most powerful colors and allow for a single accent color to have a greater impact.
The white House website is mostly white and light grey with some blue and red accents.
It's like a Mediterranean city plonked down in the north: white and grey buildings, designed for the play of shadows, with tiny apartments that Parisians need to escape.
The ground ABS comes in different colors, including white, black, blue, grey, green, light grey, red, and yellow.
Back to a white background again. But with a little extra grey in the middle. Double-click on the layer and follow the picture below.
They weren't ordinary snowflakes - they fell straight down in large sticky lumps, they clung to each other and sank quickly and they weren't white, but grey.
The white and grey tiled building is a corpse hotel, its 18 deceased guests tucked up in refrigerated coffins.
You can do this by buying yourself a white (or grey) card which is specifically designed for this task - or you can find some other appropriately colored object around you to do the job.
Only Gibson, from Hartlepool, appeared in court on Friday, wearing a smart grey suit and white shirt.
Max's even more dismal New York is cast in jumbled patterns of black, white and grey, until Mary sends Max a bright red pom-pom which he wears atop his yarmulke.
The simplified lines and palette of post-revolution gentlemen’s wear—blue, grey, white and buff—were themselves based on the English country gent’s attire of dark coat, riding breeches and boots.
"The groups can be both black or white hat (or sometimes grey) depending on their motivation, " he said.
The breakthrough raises the prospects of drugs, lotions or shampoos that raise levels of WNT - and restore white or grey hair to its natural colour.
I walk on tiled floors, white speckled with grey. Like my hair and the hair of most people here, though I'm the only one in the hallway this morning.
It goes into the same category as white and grey, which are my two favorite hues to use on walls.
It goes into the same category as white and grey, which are my two favorite hues to use on walls.