Perhaps one of the most powerful Ext JS UI elements is the grid control.
The grid control presented in this article support up to 65536 rows and 256 columns.
Since the limited grid control technology is applied, the 2 point type, non trap circuit becomes possible.
The SKU selection uses something like a grid control , the 1st column is SKU name, and 2nd, Date Modified.
The system is the Power Grid Control Center Safety Evaluation system for the Yunnan Power Grid Corporation.
The Grid control is the most flexible layout panel, and supports arranging controls in multi-row and multi-column layouts.
As long as the focus is on plain data display, it's hard to imagine the need for a brand new grid control like the GridView.
The Grid control provides a few nice features, such as pagination, sorting and hiding of columns, and customer rendering.
The display device possessed high displaying brightness, better grid control-ability and field emission characteristics.
We are adding a Data Grid control that will significantly improve your experience when building data centric applications.
It USES very low power and is appropriate for applications such as smart grid control and intelligent building management.
By providing TLB (Type libraries) we can pull every function signature and can show every signature to Grid control or on Tree control.
A UI type editor can provide a visual representation of a property value in a property grid control, such as a design-time property browser.
The functions and the structure of computer system of the grid control training simulator, system software and enhanced model of V40 system are presented concretely.
It also handles Ajax and direct web remoting, has an impressive collection of UI controls and widgets, charts and graphs, a powerful data grid control, and much, much more.
This article discusses the use of VB to the actual development process, how to choose the use of VB classes provided by the grid control, and how convenient, simple to use.
This paper introduces a kind of current floating-board modulator for grid control traveling-wave tube transmitter, which can satisfy the requirement, discusses the design method.
It is concluded that zoning control for power grid management and planning can improve the stability redundancy of power grid control centers and raise the reliability of the system.
For example, a check box at the beginning of a row in a grid control that is used to select the row (used to manipulate the content) appears in the control view but not in the content view.
The dedicated grid provides the most control and flexibility over your grid architecture, as you can select all aspects of the operation.
So both the size of the grid itself and the complexity of the task are largely determined by the command and control server.
These trials have covered different USES, such as hot zones for Internet access, smart grid, water quality control and healthcare applications.
The immersion controller would ensure the water temperature stays above a set minimum - so the house would never be without a hot shower - but within a range of 45c-65c the grid would be in control.
Figure 2 highlights the new and dramatic, high-risk efforts to get to smart grid and smart meter efforts off the ground and provide new levels of control and predictability.
Compute grid delivers features for providing operational control and management of a collection of highly-scalable grid endpoints.
Job Scheduler tier, which is part of the Compute Grid component, accepts new job submissions, dispatches the jobs to the end points, and provides operational control over the jobs.
Parallel Job Manager tier, also part of Compute Grid, decomposes large jobs into smaller partitions and provides operational control over partitioned jobs executing across the cluster.
Equipment grid: Where the surrounding grid is used to control the equipment remotely and to analyze the data produced.
Equipment grid: Where the surrounding grid is used to control the equipment remotely and to analyze the data produced.