Joe Gibbs has returned to the Washington Redskins after 11 years away from the gridiron.
She turned a cake on the gridiron.
The city of Taxila was rebuilt as a Greek town (like a gridiron).
One can draw many lessons from the drama on the gridiron and all the hoopla surrounding it.
Weeks later, in a game against local rival Brush, LeBron felt like he was back on the gridiron.
Gridiron grind is our September promotion that is football related. What's better than poker and football?
In addition to his natural speed, quickness and strength, he could think his way around the court or gridiron.
For most US sports fans, of course, "football" means the gridiron game of the National football League and college teams.
Every spring there are three press dinners, hosted by the Gridiron Club, the White House correspondents, and the radio and television correspondents.
So when my husband's co-worker saw the gridiron star roaming the stacks looking confused, she asked how she could help. "I have to read a play by Shakespeare, " he said.
In this paper, an engineering example of once through demolition of a gridiron container reinforced concrete structure by millisecond water pressure blasting is briefly introduced.
When the wine was gone, and the places where it had been most abundant were raked into a gridiron-pattern by fingers, these demonstrations ceased, as suddenly as they had broken out.
Peyton Manning is currently spearheading an effort to have football included in the Olympics, and is encouraging the public to sign a petition to give the gridiron its place in the competition.
Comparing the results of one irregular box beam obtained by the gridiron method to that by FEM, the characteristics of the application scope, merits and drawbacks of the gridiron method are convinced.
Comparing the results of one irregular box beam obtained by the gridiron method to that by FEM, the characteristics of the application scope, merits and drawbacks of the gridiron method are convinced.