He watches our grimacing faces with amusement.
His executioner, a prison employee, missed his vein and witnesses described Diaz grimacing.
"That's enough to do serious damage, but I won't know the extent for several days," he said, grimacing.
You think you have it bad, " I said, grimacing as I rose. "Alice will be working on me all day long. "
Liu was the most popular sportsman in China and his grimacing departure clouded the Games for millions of home fans.
I started, and now I simply changed the personal-like, that an air full of little girls, but now hung his head, grimacing.
At first there was a lot of grimacing with their teeth showing because it was probably the first time they had ever seen a reflection.
Few people outside the public-relations industry can listen to the CSR mantras of "win-win" and "doing well by doing good" without grimacing.
Ennis stood as if heart-shot, face grey and deep-lined, grimacing, eyes screwed shut, fists clenched, legs caving, hit the ground on his knees.
Mom put down the phone and said to the smiling and grimacing daughter: All right. I let you go. You are needed there and you also need such experience.
Mr McCain let his contempt for the younger man shine through, harrumphing, grimacing, smirking and goggling his eyes whenever Mr Obama got a chance to speak.
Every day is fully occupied, yet not knowing by what. How should I arrange my life thereafter, I could not find an answer after careful check. Cannot help grimacing.
Two of the children had headaches, but the headaches weren't accompanied by the normal body language of holding the head or trying to keep it still or squinting or grimacing.
A middle-age woman, bowing and grimacing with the particularly Japanese shame at the thought of inconveniencing a stranger, held up a sign: 'Please give me a ride to Watanoha.
When we reached Pisa and its charmingly goofy tower, each of us took turns standing at the perfect spot, grimacing, arms outstretched, for the photo of ourselves holding up the tower.
When we reached Pisa and its charmingly goofy tower, each of us took turns standing at the perfect spot, grimacing, arms outstretched, for the photo of ourselves holding up the tower.