Imports, which soared to $200.3 billion in the month, are subtracted in the calculation of gross domestic product.
Gross domestic product has climbed back to pre-recession levels, meaning we're producing as much as before, only with 6 percent fewer workers.
While the rate of growth in the use of energy declines as an economy matures, no country has yet reduced energy use while raising gross domestic product.
The decline started in the 1950s, when manufacturing generated a sturdy 28% of the national income, or gross domestic product, and employed one-third of the workforce.
Britain, by contrast, posted a 0.4% fall in gross domestic product over the same three months.
Second-quarter gross domestic product grew at 9.5 percent, its slowest pace in almost two years.
Gross domestic product per capita in those two countries was basically stagnant from 1820 to 1950.
The money earned from narcotics accounts for more than half of the country’s gross domestic product.
The statistics office will release a breakdown of second - quarter gross domestic product on Sept. 2.
The phenomenon doesn't feed easily into stock valuations, bond yields or gross domestic product figures.
That's bad enough, with the net debt level forecast to rise to 120% of gross domestic product this year.
In 2006, emerging markets accounted for 23% of global gross domestic product but just 14% of global financial assets.
Exports as a portion of gross domestic product have been falling since 2006, but only back to where they were in 2003.
So, infrastructure deficit in my view is probably costing India up to two percent growth in GDP (gross domestic product).
ISI analysts figure the odds are low but rising that U.S. gross domestic product will come in positive in the second quarter.
国际统计学会分析师计算出美国的GDP在第二季度会活跃起来 尽管可能性很小但正在变大。
Residential property accounted for 6.1 percent of the country’s gross domestic product last year, according to Citigroup Inc.
America's gross domestic purchases of its own and foreign goods are currently running at about 106% of gross domestic product.
The United States, which had the highest gross domestic product per capita, can't claim to be as happy as Denmark and New Zealand.
It was the third straight quarterly decline in Japan's gross domestic product and the economy's worst quarterly performance in 35 years.
Belgium's national debt is nearly equal to its annual gross domestic product, which ranks around 10th in the world in debt-to-GDP ratio.
British bank assets total about 4.5 times the country's gross domestic product, but in Iceland they were 10 times as large as the G.D.P..
It grew by 3.1 percent in 2004, missing Brown's target of 3.25 percent, but still the best annual gross domestic product growth since 2000.
News last week that German exports leaped 7 percent in June over the previous month foreshadowed a strong reading on gross domestic product.
This would beat the record (set in the distant past of fiscal 2009) by $150 billion and be equivalent to 11% of U.S. gross domestic product.
This would beat the record (set in the distant past of fiscal 2009) by $150 billion and be equivalent to 11% of U.S. gross domestic product.