The scene of the Five Starred Red Flag against the dark sky on the grey lunar surface was taken by a camera on the Chang'e s robotic probe's lander and then sent to the ground control.
Other system components include a post-mission analysis station and the ground control station for the VTUAV.
Pilots on the ground will control one of NASA's Global Hawk drones as it flies above tropical storms.
The contract supports Dryden's planned operation of the two aircraft, their associated ground control station and related systems.
Dickerson says the market for UAV Reconnaissance Systems, including air vehicles, ground control equipment, and payloads, is expected to be worth $13.6 billion through 2014.
Dragon Operations centers use and distribute data from Predator and Reaper aircraft, and interface with ground control station crews, forward aircraft and Command and control centers worldwide.
Puma AE systems incorporate the same handheld Ground Control Unit used by U.S. Department of Defense and allied military customers to control Raven and Wasp systems.
USAF fixed and deployable ground command and control systems.
Sell the building or keep it for a while if you wish to use Ground control or support powers.
Mind control key enemy structures and either sell them off or use their ground control for countless opportunities.
Insitu is using RTI Data Distribution Service in the ground control stations (GCSs) and in future air-to-ground communications.
After two days of silence ground control teams received a signal that the spacecraft had put itself into an emergency standby mode.
The products have been used for military vehicle power supply, rocket launcher ground control devices and analogue aerospace station system.
So it was with some amusement that a Pan am 747 listened to the following exchange between Frankfurt ground control and a British Airways 747, call sign Speedbird 206.
Predator pilot (above) guides his aircraft on a mission over Afghanistan, from a ground control station at Nellis Air Force Base, Nev.
They play astronauts who are tinkering with the Hubble Space Telescope when they receive an urgent message from Ground Control.
The choice of coordinate system and ground control surveying are critical to the accuracy of the checking work.
Dodonna also provided support from Yavin as ground control, codenamed Base One.
Combined with survey experience, the author probed into the methods of setting up ground control net with GPS and EDM lead for small hydropower projects based on the introduction of practice examples.
The Oilfield ground control system is an important component of the WAG injection system.
Ground control: All buildings other than Power Plants and Barracks offer varied ranges of ground control.
The theory of key strata in ground control provide a theory foundation for the green coal mining research.
Ground control point data is the essential datum for geometry processing in the photogrammetry.
Based on the key stratum theory in ground control, the basic principle in the design of mining under buildings should ensure that the primary key stratum would not break.
The selection of ground control points (GCP) is an important process in geometry rectification of remote sensing imagery.
Based on the key strata theory of the ground control and analyzing the condition of geology and mine in the shallow coal seam, the characteristic parameters of the key strata are educed.
The pilot told ground control that there was smoke in the cockpit and he decided to return to the airport.
A ground control point based stereo matching algorithm via iterative dynamic programming is proposed.
A ground control point based stereo matching algorithm via iterative dynamic programming is proposed.